“Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar In an interview to Bheem Patrika Editor, Dr. Surendra Ajnat*, MA, PhD elaborates: Dr. Rahul Balley with Dr. Surendra Ajnat Q. When did you start writing on Dr. Ambedkar and Buddhism? Explain briefly the names and work of dedicated people who devoted their whole life to spread the ideology of Dr. Ambedkar in context of Punjab. How you evaluate their work? A. I started writing on Buddhism and Ambedkarism in early 1970’s. There are many people in Punjab who devoted their lives for Buddhism and Ambedkarism, but the first name that comes to my mind is that of Mr. Lahori Ram Balley (popularly known as Balley in India and abroad) who left no stone unturned for the spread of the duo. He authored books, penned articles in different languages and delivered lectures to propagate Buddhism and Ambedkarism not only in Punjab but also in India and abroad. I must confess here that I was inspired by Mr. Balley. Then there was Mr. Hazara Ram Bodhi. He always devoted his life for the spread of the duo. He sold literature everywhere. Thus, people got books at their doorstep. His bicycle was always full of books mostly written by Mr. Balley. Then there was Mahashay Krishan Kumar Bodhi of Nawanshahr. He was previously an Arya Samajist, but after listening to a speech of Mr. Balley in 1956 became a lifelong Buddhist and Ambedkarite. He raised Ambedkar Bhawan at Nawanshahar where a school is imparting education to boys and girls. All these great men devoted their lives in their own way to the cause of Buddhism and Ambedkarism. We have great respect for their contribution and salute them, though towering personality of Mr. Balley stands above all. Q.Punjab has unique social position in which open chasm among Ambedkarites and Ravidassis is seen. What are the issues you think need to be addressed and how can this widening split be bridged? A. The chasm between the Ravidasis and Ambedkarites seen in Punjab is but natural though both belong to the same social category. Ambedkarites have left their traditional religion and have embraced Buddhism at the behest of Dr. Ambedkar whereas Ravidasis have not abondened their traditional religion. That is the main cause of the chasm: their belief systems and worldviews are opposed to each other; despite caste similarity. But Buddhists and Ambedkarites do not believe in caste, they stand for castelessness. Buddhism and Ambedkarism is an atheistic way of life, while Ravidasis are theists. To bridge the gap many writers try to present guru Ravidas ji as a Buddhist, but that carries no weight. People remain unaffected by such exercises. Both of them- Ambedkarites and Ravidasis- are dalit; but there is no dalitology – dalit ideology – which could solidify the dalits. Consequently, dalits lack unity as dalits. There is no monolithic dalit identity, so to expect unity among dalits is like chasing wild goose. If ever a strong dalit identity emerges and supersedes all other identities then Buddhism and Ambedkarism shall mortally suffer– these identities shall stand overshadowed and face the worst crises of existence. Why do the Buddhists and Ambedkarites not seek the Buddhist and Ambedkarite allies instead of seeking Ravidasis who are of another feather in the first place? Birds of same feather flock together, they say. Q. Despite 33% Dalit population in Punjab, the Dalits are unable to build up a strong political front in Punjab, what hurdles you think are working within the community to stop this? A. Though Dalit population is 33% in Punjab, they fail to build a strong political front – that really pains. But as I have already stated, Dalit are not a monolithic community. They have risen, it seems, above dalithood and are adopting non-dalit political parties. On a reserved seat 4 or 5 dalits fight from different parties. All that shatters the dalit identity badly as acrimony entails. In such a situation building a strong political front of dalits is a herculean task. Q. Caste discrimination is hardly noticed in day- to day life in Punjab but Honor Killing is worse than Caste discrimination. How you examine it? A. ‘Honor Killing’ is the result of very cruel casteist mindset. That perpetuates caste-consciousness through terror. This is a new malady which must be remedied soon. Such barbarous acts are a slur on the civilization. Q. How you evaluate the mushrooming of societies, organizations and Foundations in the name of Dr. Ambedkar and Tathagata Buddha in Punjab? How these institutes can be brought under one umbrella; what are your suggestions? A. That is a very serious situation. In a democracy people are free to make societies or associations, but when the aim is not different, why should there be mushrooming of such organizations? They only create confusion and division in the society. The main cause seems that those who find no place in old organizations, they feel compelled to create new societies and there they become presidents etc. I propose making a federation of all the existing societies/ associations. All may work independently under the umbrella of federation; which would meet from time to time. That would be better for the present. Surendra Ajnat did M.A. in Sanskrit and Hindi respectively. He is a University Gold Medalist and bagged Doctor of Philosophy. He is well versed in scriptures. Dr. Ajnat is a staunch rationalist and atheist. Dr. Ajnat contributes articles to various national and international newspapers, magazines and research journals. Dr. Ajnat is a staunch Ambedkarite and Buddhist and penned down several books on Dr. Ambedkar and Buddhism. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
भारतीय संविधान विश्व का अद्वितीय एवं सर्वश्रेष्ठ कानूनी दस्तावेज
“Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and die.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar भारतीय संविधान विश्व का अद्वितीय एवं सर्वश्रेष्ठ कानूनी दस्तावेज Baldev Raj Bhardwaj अंबेडकर मिशन सोसायटी पंजाब (रजि.) की ओर से 26 जनवरी 1950 को भारत के गणतंत्र दिवस को समर्पित ‘भारतीय संविधान और लोकतंत्र’ विषय पर एक संगोष्ठी का आयोजन बाबा साहेब डॉ. अंबेडकर की चरण स्पर्श भूमि अंबेडकर भवन में किया गया, जिसमें प्रख्यात बुद्धिजीवियों और दर्शकों ने भाग लिया। इस चर्चा में मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में प्रोफेसर बलबीर, सेवानिवृत्त प्रमुख, स्नातकोत्तर राजनीति विज्ञान विभाग, दोआबा कॉलेज जालंधर ने भाग लिया। प्रोफेसर बलबीर ने अपने ज्ञानवर्धक भाषण में कहा कि डाॅ. बीआर अंबेडकर संविधान के मुख्य वास्तुकार हैं और उनके मार्गदर्शन में बनाया गया भारतीय संविधान दुनिया का सबसे अच्छा और व्यापक कानूनी दस्तावेज है। उन्होंने कहा कि इसकी प्रस्तावना भारतीय संविधान की आत्मा है। इसने भारत में समानता, स्वतंत्रता और भाईचारा स्थापित करने का प्रयास किया है। डॉ. अंबेडकर द्वारा भारतीय धर्मतंत्र को संविधानतंत्र में बदलना भारत के संसदीय लोकतंत्र की एक बड़ी उपलब्धि है। प्रोफेसर बलबीर ने कहा कि भारतीय संविधान में निहित मौलिक अधिकार, सभी वयस्क नागरिकों को वोट देने का अधिकार, स्वतंत्र न्यायपालिका, चुनाव आयोग और राजनीति के निदेशक सिद्धांत भारतीय संविधान के महत्वपूर्ण और अमूल्य अंग हैं। उन्होंने चिंता व्यक्त की कि वर्तमान समय में भारत में केवल ध्रुवीकरण के माध्यम से राजनीतिक लोकतंत्र को ही पनपाया जा रहा है। न्यायपालिका और चुनाव आयोग तथा केंद्रीय लोक सेवा आयोग सहित अन्य सरकारी संस्थाओं की स्वतंत्रता को कमजोर करके सामाजिक और आर्थिक स्वतंत्रता को नष्ट किया जा रहा है। सोसायटी के अध्यक्ष श्री सोहन लाल, सेवानिवृत्त डीपीआई (कॉलेजों) ने कहा कि भारत में सही अर्थों में समानता, स्वतंत्रता और न्यायपूर्ण लोकतंत्र की स्थापना के लिए बाबा साहब द्वारा अथक परिश्रम, दृढ़ता और दूरदर्शिता से तैयार किये गये संविधान से भारत में संसदीय लोकतंत्र की स्थापना की नींव रखी गई, लेकिन आज की परिस्थितियों में भारतीय संविधान की मूल भावना का रूपान्तरण हो रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि सभी भारतीयों को अपने मौलिक अधिकारों को बनाये रखने के लिए भारतीय संविधान की सुरक्षा के प्रति सचेत रहना चाहिए। उन्होंने चर्चा के मुख्य वक्ता प्रोफेसर बलबीर और दर्शकों का धन्यवाद किया और आश्वासन दिया कि अंबेडकर मिशन सोसायटी पंजाब (रजि.) भविष्य में भी संविधान और डॉ. अंबेडकर साहब की विचारधारा के बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए ऐसी चर्चा जारी रखने का प्रयास करती रहेगी। सेवानिवृत्त राजदूत रमेश चंद्र ने अपने भाषण में कहा कि हर भारतीय नागरिक का कर्तव्य है कि वह संविधान की रक्षा करे। इस चर्चा में अंबेडकर भवन ट्रस्ट के महासचिव डॉ. जीसी कौल ने भी डॉ. अंबेडकर द्वारा भारतीय संविधान के मुख्य निर्माता के रूप में किये गये योगदान के बारे में दर्शकों के साथ अपने विचार साझा किये। Baldev Raj Bhardwaj इस अवसर पर सोसायटी के महासचिव बलदेव राज भारद्वाज द्वारा प्रस्तुत एवं सर्वसम्मति से पारित दो प्रस्तावों के माध्यम से सरकार से अनुरोध किया गया कि बाबा साहब डाॅ. अंबेडकर द्वारा भारतीय संविधान और संसदीय लोकतंत्र की सफलता के लिए 25 नवंबर 1949 को संविधान सभा की आखिरी बैठक में दिए गए ऐतिहासिक भाषण को स्कूलों और कॉलेजों के पाठ्यक्रम में शामिल किया जाना चाहिए, ताकि भारत की नई पीढ़ी को लोकतंत्र के सच की पूरी तरह से जानकारी हो सके। एक अन्य प्रस्ताव के माध्यम से चुनाव प्रक्रिया में ईवीएम के उपयोग पर प्रतिबंध लगाने की मांग करते हुए भारत में मतपत्र के माध्यम से चुनाव कराकर चुनाव प्रणाली में पारदर्शिता स्थापित करने की पुरजोर मांग की गई। इस चर्चा में चरण दास संधू, परमिंदर सिंह खुट्न, तिलक राज, हरभजन निमता, डाॅ. चरणजीत सिंह, डाॅ. महेंद्र संधू, मलकीत सिंह, बीबी महेंदो रत्तू, परमजीत महे, महेश चंद्र, एडवोकेट यज्ञ दीप, मास्टर जीत राम, सेवा सिंह भट्टी, गुरदयाल जस्सल, शाम लाल, हरि राम ओएसडी, प्रिंसिपल केएस फुल, ललित कंगनीवाल, नरिंदर लेख, अश्वनी कुमार, एडवोकेट राजिंदर आजाद, अमरजीत सांपला, एडवोकेट सुनील कुमार आदि ने भाग लिया। यह जानकारी अंबेडकर मिशन सोसायटी पंजाब (रजि.) के महासचिव बलदेव राज भारद्वाज ने एक प्रेस बयान में दी। Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
What Buddha Said?
Buddhism “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”– Tathagath Gautam Buddha- What Buddha Said ? Noble eightfold path: right view, right aspiration right speech right action right livelihood right effort right mindfulness right concentration Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways. Everything in moderation, including moderation. Buddha Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
“Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar श्री एल. आर. बाली मेमोरियल एकेडमी की आवश्यकता और महत्व रंजीत कुमार गौतम B.A. , M.A. (Political science and International) गौतम बुद्ध विश्वविद्यालय भारतीय संविधान में अनुच्छेद – 21 ( A ) के अनुसार शिक्षा का अधिकार का प्रावधान किया गया है। और भारतीय संविधान में ही अनुच्छेद – 46 के अनुसार यह प्रावधान किया गया है कि राज्य, जनता के दुर्बल वर्गों के विशिष्टत : अनुसूचित जातियों और अनुसूचित जनजातियों के शिक्षा और आर्थिक संबंधी हितों की विशेष सावधानी से अभिवृद्धि करेगा और सामाजिक अन्याय और सभी प्रकार के शोषण से इन वर्गों की सुरक्षा प्रदान करेगा। परंतु उपरोक्त प्रावधानों को कितना जमीनी स्तर पर लागू किया जाता है , यह अपने आप में बहुत बड़ा प्रश्न है। यदि हम हम इसकी वास्तविकताओं पर नजर डालते हैं तो हमें ज्ञात होता है कि सरकारी विद्यालयों में विशेषतः प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में समस्त छात्रों को निशुल्क भोजन , निशुल्क कपड़े , निशुल्क किताबें , और निशुल्क बस्ते व दलिया प्रदान किए जाते हैं जो कि ऐसा होना भी चाहिए परन्तु इन विद्यालयों में योग्य अध्यापक होने के बावजूद भी शिक्षा नाम की कोई स्थान नहीं है। जो सरकारी अध्यापक इन सरकारी विद्यालयों में पढ़ाते हैं वे स्वयं अपने बच्चों को इन विद्यालयों में पढ़ाना पसंद नहीं करते। उन सभी अध्यापकों के अधिकतर बच्चे प्राइवेट और मंहगे स्कूल में पढ़ते है। अतः इससे स्पष्ट होता है कि माध्यमिक और पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में शिक्षा का स्तर अत्यंत ही खराब है। सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि इन सरकारी विद्यालयों में पढ़ने वाले अधिकतर छात्र – छात्राएं गरीब , दलित और पिछड़े समाज से होते हैं। गरीब और खासकर अधिकतर दलित – पिछड़े संबंधित लोगों के पास इतने पैसे नहीं होते हैं कि वे अपने बच्चों को किसी प्राइवेट और मंहगे विद्यालयों में पढ़ा पाये। ऐसी अवस्था में वे अपने बच्चों को सरकारी विद्यालयों में भेजने हेतु विवश होते हैं। परंतु वहां पर शिक्षा बेहतर ना होने के कारण ये विद्यार्थी विद्यालय जाने के बावजूद भी अशिक्षा के ही शिकार होते हैं। इन्हीं सब बातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए वर्षों तक बाबा साहब अंबेडकर जी के करीबी रहे , महान लेखक और विचारक , अंबेडकरवादी योध्दा , महान समाज सुधारक और आजीवन भीम पत्रिका के संपादक रहे श्री एल. आर. बाली साहब जी के स्मृति में महामानव तथागत बुद्ध और बाबा साहब अंबेडकर जी के विचारधारा पर आधारित गरीब , दलित व पिछड़े समाज से संबंधित छात्रों के लिए ग्राम – महमदपुर सैजनियां , जिला – शाहजहांपुर ( उत्तर प्रदेश ) में हमें श्री एल. आर. बाली मेमोरियल एकेडमी की स्थापना करना पड़ा। हम इस एकेडमी के माध्यम से समाज के कमजोर वर्गों और गरीब छात्रों को निशुल्क रूप से शिक्षित करने का कार्य करेंगे । मेधावी छात्रों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में हिस्सा लेने हेतु प्रोत्साहित करने का कार्य करेंगे। एकेडमिक शिक्षा के साथ-साथ हम इन छात्रों को शारीरिक , नैतिक , बौध्दिक और बुध्दिस्ट और अंबेडकरवादी शिक्षा भी प्रदान करेंगे। जिससे आगे चलकर ये सभी छात्र समाज और इस देश को सही दिशा प्रशस्त करने में अपनी अहम भूमिका का निर्वहन कर सकें। हम इस एकेडमी को प्रतियोगी छात्रों के लिए स्वअध्ययन केंद्र के रूप में तब्दील करेंगे और कुछ कंपटीशन से संबंधित पुस्तकें भी उपलब्ध करवाने का हमारा प्रयास रहेगा। फिलहाल अभी इस एकेडमी में श्री विमलेश कुमार , श्री मिथलेश कुमार , श्री सन्नी कुमार , श्री मनीष कुमार अध्यापन का कर रहे हैं। और श्री राम कुमार , श्री पृथ्वी आनंद , श्री अरविन्द कुमार भारती , श्री विमलेश कुमार और मैं ( रंजीत कुमार गौतम – संस्थापक ) इसके मुख्य कार्यकारिणी सदस्य हैं। 13 मार्च 1927 को बाबा साहब अंबेडकर जी द्वारा स्थापित आल इंडिया समता सैनिक दल ( रजि.) राज्य इकाई उत्तर प्रदेश के द्वारा श्री एल आर बाली मेमोरियल एकेडमी का संचालन किया जाता है। मैं ग्राम महमदपुर सैजनियां के माननीय ग्राम प्रधान का विशेष धन्यवादी हूं जिन्होंने अपने ग्राम पंचायत के बरात घर में इस एकेडमी के संचालन करने हमें अनुमति प्रदान किया। और आल इंडिया समता सैनिक दल (रजि.) के चेयरमैन डॉ. एच. आर. गोयल , जनरल सेक्रेटरी श्री अशोक शेंडे , श्री एल. आर. बाली साहब के सुपुत्र श्री आनंद बाली , इंजी. हरिओम सिंह , श्री विक्रम सिंह , श्री नरेश कुमार व अन्य मिशनरी साथियों का मैं विशेष आभार एवं धन्यवाद व्यक्त करता हूं जिनके आर्थिक सहयोग से इस एकेडमी का संचालन करना संभव हो पाया। इस एकेडमी का आगे भी संचालन होता रहे , इसके लिए भी दान पारमिता की भावना रखने वाले मिशनरी साथियों से मैं मिशनरी साथियों से सहयोग करने हेतु विनम्र निवेदन करता हूं। दिनांक – 26 नवंबर 2023 को संविधान दिवस के पावन अवसर पर मेरे पूज्य अध्यापक श्री सुभाषचन्द्र कुशवाहा जी के करकमलों द्वारा इस एकेडमी अनावरण किया गया। 26 नवंबर 1949 को बाबा साहब अंबेडकर जी ने भारत का संविधान बनाकर देश को समर्पित किया था और उसी दिन अर्थात 26 नवंबर 2023 को श्री एल. आर. बाली मेमोरियल एकेडमी का स्थापना कर मैंने समाज को समर्पित किया , अतः इस बात पर मुझे सदैव गर्व रहेगा। Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
Baldev Raj Bhardwaj
“Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and die.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Need to strengthen Ambedkar`s movement in Punjab Baldev Raj Bhardwaj Dr. Ambedkar launched Social Movements Dr. Ambedkar started social movements first in order to uplift the Dalits in India then later political. In 1927 Dr Ambedkar launched Mahad Satyagraha to allow the Untouchables to use water in a public tank. In the same year he launched temple entry movement. Such social movements established the credentials of Dr Ambedkar in the Dalit society. Dr. Ambedkar wanted Dalits to gain social and economic advancement. After that he wanted that Dalits should capture political power and rule the country. This was what Dr. Ambedkar`s dreams were. Dr. Ambedkar`s visit to Punjab In 1951 Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar visited Jalandhar, Punjab and delivered speech to lahs of people at Bootan Mandi , the same land was purchased by respected L.R. Balley with the cooperation of his fellow companions and raised Ambedkar Bhawan on it . After that, the Ambedkar movement got impetus by fearless, staunch Ambedkarite and Buddhist respected L.R.Balley, former editor of Bheem Patrika and publisher who spread the message of Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Punjab by writing and publishing books in Punjabi on and by Dr. Ambedkar. Balley sahib took up this challenge despite several social, economic and political hardships and hurdles. At that time the people of Punjab were not very much aware of the name of Dr. Ambedkar but Balley`s books kindle the minds of the people of Punjab with the social, economic and political ideology of Dr. Ambedkar. With his hard work throughout his life time, now in Punjab there are many Buddha Vihara and Ambedkar Bhawan from where the message of Dr. Ambedkar is being spread by Ambedakrites and Buddhists. The birth of thousands of Ambedkar organizations and registered societies further carry forward the message of Dr. Ambedkar from village to village signifies the importance of Ambedkarism and Buddhism . The erection of Dr. Ambedkar statues in most of the districts prominent chowks symbolizes Ambedkar’s thoughts and philosophy. Gone were the days when a Buddhists monk refuses to come to Punjab due to personal inhibitions, now many highly qualified Buddhist monks are coming to Punjab and helping in establishing Buddha Viharas. This shows that the movement of Buddhism is spreading very fast in Punjab. Need to do more The Ambedkarite and Buddhist organizations and societies are doing wonderful job to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar. At present this noble work can be accelerated further if the leadership of political parties focus little more sincerely and honestly to assist Ambedkarites and Buddhists organizations without their political and vested interests. Over the years, Punjab witnesses the mushrooming of Dalit political parties so the leadership. The majority of Dalit leadership particularly in Punjab try to follow what Dr Ambedkar said, “Political power is the master key by which you can open all the doors of progress”. Baldev Raj Bhardwaj But they do not take notice of social advancement of the Dalits in Punjab. Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar said, “the political revoultions have always been preceded by social and religious revolutions (Dr. Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches ,Vol.1; p.44) The majority of the Dalit leaders in Punjab irrespective of their affiliation to a political party hardly devote time to strengthen the movement of Dr. Ambedkar in Punjab. Their own political interests hamper the progress of the Dalit movement. Not only this but also, some of the Dalit leaders try to create a wall between different Dalit groups. The end result is neither they can achieve political power nor they can spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar. If they really want to see Buddhism in Punjab to flourish, they should first work for the social upliftment of the Dalits. The followers of Dr Ambedkar should first uplift Dalits in Punjab socially. Once the Dalits become Buddhists as embraced by Dr. Ambedkar, they would enhance their social capital. This is what Dalit leadership in Punjab should invest their time and energy to elevate social capital of Dalits. By enhancing social capital, the Dalits of Punjab would understand interpersonal relations, shared understanding, shared norms, shared values, trust, cooperation and reciprocity. Once we achieve social capital, we can comfortably achieve our political goals. Therefore, the Dalit leadership in Punjab, first and foremost, connect to the Dalits at societal level and avoid treating them simply a vote bank. With sudden departure of Balley sahib from this world, the majority of the Dalits in Punjab feel themselves orphans. We need to prepare thousands of Balley sahib who can take forward the caravan of Dr. Ambedkar. The mushrooming of Buddha Vihara in several districts of Punjab indicate that the Dalits of Punjab now understand very well that without Buddhism, they cannot uproot the cancer of the caste system. Punjab can become a Buddhist state if the Dalit political leadership truthfully participate in advancement of Dr. Ambedkar movement in Punjab. They can play a significant role in restoring the glory of Buddhism in Punjab. *B.R. Bhardwaj is a retired senior officer from Bank of India. He is a staunch Ambedkarite, Buddhist and trustee of Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan, Jalandhar. He is a social activist. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
Harbans Lal Virdee
“Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and die.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Balley Saheb in the United Kingdom Harbans Lal Virdee Sadly, our respected leader Lahori Ram Balley expired on 06.07.2023 at his residence, Abadpura, Jalandhar. His departure from the world has left all Ambedkarites and Buddhists orphans. I could not attend funeral as I was in London during those days. I used to hear Balley Saheb name from our parents before I settled in the United Kingdom as a permanent citizen. Since my childhood, I found that Balley Saheb dedicated his whole life for spreading the message of Dr. Ambedkar whom he met several times when he was in Delhi. Balley Saheb also met Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar with KC Sulekh. Balley Saheb was born in Nawanshahr now district in Punjab on 20 July,1930. He left three daughters- Shakuntla Nagar , Sunita Bhardwaj and Sujata Sallan and two sons Dr Rahul Kumar Balley and Anand Kumar Balley. His wife Mrs Ajit Kaur Balley died on 16 March,2014. She was a pious lady who stood by Balley Saheb like a shadow. Whenever I used to come to India, I visited Balley Saheb to discuss several important issues, she was the one who took care of all guests – food and lodging. Balley Saheb was busy in publishing Bheem Patrika and books. Balley Saheb knew Urdu, English, Punjabi, Hindi and Persian. I always found that Balley Saheb office in city and later in Ambedkar Bhawan was always full with people; workers, leaders and followers. Balley Saheb was shining like a star. I witnessed people from far off villages used to come to Balley Saheb to seek advice and suggestions. Balley Saheb was a fearless, staunch, dedicated and honest Ambedkarite who asked for financial assistance to publish books by Dr Ambedkar or on Dr Ambedkar. Balley Saheb is the first Ambedkarite in Punjab who started publishing pamphlets and books on Dr. Ambedkar. The pamphlets price is just Rs.2/- at that time. One day I asked Balley Saheb how you manage publication at such low price, his reply was that, Baba Saheb mission is my whole life. He further said, “my mission is to spread the name of Dr. Ambedkar among the SCs/STs who are doing labour jobs and cannot afford high price, this lower price for them so that they can read baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar literature.” This is how Balley Saheb carried forward Baba Saheb mission from village to village in Punjab and other states of India. I meet thousands of people when I come to in India, I found leaders keep pamphlets written by Balley Saheb in their hands to deliver lecture. His pamphlets and books are full of knowledge and references. Balley Saheb published books like Annihilation of Caste , Rangila Gandhi, Hinduism Dharam Ja Kalank. The opponents from various Hindu groups filed court cases against Balley Saheb and harassed him. Balley Saheb was a great, fearless leader and author, he won all the court cases. Balley Saheb published books in several languages to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar. At the age of 14, I moved to United Kingdom and settled permanently. At that time, I was young. I heard Balley Saheb name and came to know Balley Saheb was visiting the United Kingdom and delivering lecture at various places. In 1967 Balley Saheb came first time to the United Kingdom on the invitation of Republican Group of Britain. The sponsorship for obtaining UK visa was sent by Khushi Ram Pardesi. Balley Saheb stayed most of the time at his house. Parabdyal from Bootan Mandi( District Jalandhar) was also living in neighborhoood who later shifted to Hounslow. Ravi Dutt Shinmar was the President of Guru Ravi Dass Welfare Association, Wolverhampton. He was also a trustee of Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan Jalandhar. In Birmingham and Wolverhampton, Bishan Das Bains and his brothers made sincere efforts to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar in the United Kingdom. In 1967, Balley Saheb stayed three months in the United Kingdom, every day , in the evening we all used to have a meeting with Ambedkarites and Buddhists either at someone house or in the club. The result of these meetings that Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee, Wolverhampton came into existence, the purpose of which was to support organizations and societies in India and establish Buddha Vihara in several parts of the United Kingdom like Bradford, Southall, Birmingham. Balley Saheb kindled fire of Ambedkarism among Dalits residing in the United Kingdom by his fiery speeches. Some of the Maharashtrian and Punjabis who were living nearby came to meet Balley Saheb. In his speeches Balley Saheb quoted Dr. Ambedkar books which impacted our minds. Balley Saheb hat was popular among the majority of Ambedkarites and Buddhists in the United Kingdom. Harbans Lal Virdee In Scotland, Sohan Lal sampla worked with Balley Saheb. Balley Saheb was received by Sohan Lal Sampla and other Ambedkarites and he was given a warm welcome at the station. In a big hall, public function was arranged. Balley Saheb spoke half an hour partly in Punjabi and partly in English. Some English men and women were present in the function. Balley Saheb spoke very well. After the function, every one rushed to Balley Saheb to shake hands and took his autographs. Balley Saheb was a crowd puller. He was effective and impressive orator. His speeches changed the minds of the people around him. Whosoever comes into his contact become a Ambedkarite and Buddhist such was the aura of Balley Saheb. Balley Saheb was invited by several Ambedkarites and Buddhist organizations to the United Kingdom in 1976, 1985, 1986 and 1988. I used to drive a van in which all important members including Balley Saheb sat. I feel proud that Balley Saheb is my GURU and shall remain till last breath of my life. In 1988 Balley Saheb came to United Kingdom to participate in Buddha`s Light International Association (BLIA), UK Chapter along with late Shanti Swaroop Shant. Balley Saheb stayed at my home several times. We used to have delicious food with him. We used to discuss several important issues till late night.
Sujata Sallan
Sujata Sallan with her father L.R.Balley When I heard from my brother Rahul that papa Ji left us I was not suprised because before his death I stayed two months with him . I knew father sahib getting very weak . My parents always told me don’t cry when we leave . My father always told me that you are captain of the ship , we know you will be strong after us . Some time he says you are my third son . He was a caring father. We could feel his love and care but he didn’t show off . He was real person, never said fake stories . He was very punctual ,his time was his real money . I went to Canada in 1982 to marry . My mother asked me to call her everyday . When I called he said your mother was waiting for your call . After I finished my talk my father sahib said you people do loose talk . I said my phone is medicine for her then he laughed loudly . He never wasted his time Every morning He woke up at 5 then he started writing in his office . My mother took care of him very well . He ate healthy food. People ask me sometimes what’s the reason for his good long life . He eat on time and never went for parties . His personality shows that he was a special man from inside and out sides . He had so many suprises in his life . He had very tuff time from his relatives and people but he never cared . He achieved his goal . He died the way he wanted , a very few people could be lucky like him . He fullfiled his promise. I remember I was in college when father sahib fought election . He lost election and all of us were very sad and depressed. We took a promise from him that after this he would not fight election. After that he left active politics. He was a brave man . Once we had a big farm land near our house, there was very big old tree . Our neighbors said there was a ghost on the tree , night time ghost Dance and there lights come up too . Father sahib went alone by himself at midnight ,then he saw a broken electric wire the one sparked at night then he decided that the tree should be cut down . Tree was cut down but people didn’t want to take wood of the same tree for being superstitious . Father sahib brought that wood to home which was later used for cooking food. He never believed in ghost, or jadu toona . He had a sense of humor . He solved all his problems by him self . He never depended on anybody till last day of his life. Being a daughter of such a great father ,I feel myself lucky and blessed. He had immense respect for women. He used to tell women to participate actively in Dr. Ambekdar mission. He like Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar believed in women empowerment. I take pledge that till last breath of my life I shall keep alive the name and thought of my beloved father. I shall carry forward his mission so that Baba Saheb Dr. name shines like a STAR. * Sujata Sallan, lives in Canada with her family. She is a practicing Buddhist. She extends financial help to many Ambedkarite and Buddhists organisations in India and Canada. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
Remembering L R Balley Ji – Dwarka Bharti
स्मृतिशेष “जब तक आप सामाजिक स्वतंत्रता नहीं हासिल कर लेते, कानून आपको जो भी स्वतंत्रता देता है वो आपके लिए बेईमानी है.” – डॉ. बी.आर.अम्बेडकर एल. आर. बाली : एक विलक्षण व्यक्तित्व द्वारका भारती अंबेडकर मिशन के पुरोधा एल. आर. बाली हमारे बीच नहीं रहे. उनका जाना मानो एक शताब्दी का झटके से गुज़र जाना है. लगभग 9 दशकों से भी ज्यादा वे हमारे बीच डॉ. अंबेडकर के एक सच्चे सपूत की भांति विचरते रहे. उनका लिखा डेरों बारे साहित्य आज एक ऐसा कारनामा बन चुका है, जिसकी चर्चा कभी धूमिल नहीं होगी. हम इस बात को नकार नहीं सकते कि जब- जब भी इस देश में डॉ. अंबेडकर जैसे व्यक्तित्व को याद किया जाएगा, उनकी परछाईं की तरह एल. आर. बाली भी याद किए जाते रहेंगे. वे पंजाब की ज़रखेज़ धरती के बेटे थे. एक ऐसी धरती जो अनाज के साथ- साथ जुझारू व्यक्तित्व भी पैदा करती रही है. अन्याय के खिलाफ़ पैदा होने वाले वीर सपूतों में एल. आर. बाली का नाम इन अर्थों में अग्रणी रहेगा, क्योंकि उन्होंने डॉ. अंबेडकर जैसे क्रांतिकारी महान पुरुष से प्रेरित होकर अपना पथ तय किया था. यह वो दौर था जब डॉ. अंबेडकर इस देश के सर्वहारा वर्ग के लिए देश के कोने-कोने में अपनी आवाज़ बुलंद कर रहे थे. उन्हें देश के प्रत्येक हिस्से से ऐसे जुझारू व्यक्तित्व दरकार थे जो उनकी आवाज़ को आगे पहुंचा सकें. पंजाब से लाहौरी राम बाली खुद को प्रस्तुत करते हैं. अपनी आत्मकथा में वे लिखते हैं कि : 30 सितंबर, 1956 को ‘शैड्यूल्ड कास्टस फैडरेशन’ की कार्यकारिणी की अंतिम बैठक बाबा साहब की अध्यक्षता में होती है. मैं उस समय केन्द्र में सरकारी कर्मचारी था. मैं फैडरेशन की पंजाब शाखा के नए अध्यक्ष डॉ. भगत सिंह की जान-पहचान करवाने के लिए 26-अलीपुर रोड पर मौजूद था. हम मान सकते हैं उनका अंबेडकर मिशन से लगाव बहुत देर से था. उस बैठक में बाबा साहब कुछ देर के लिए गश खा कर कुर्सी पर बैठ गए थे. उनको देखकर एल. आर. बाली अपना जीवन ध्येय अंबेडकर मिशन की सेवा में व्यतीत करने को ही बना लेते हैं. इसके बाद की उनकी जीवन यात्रा शुरू होती है. 6 दिसंबर, 1956 को बाबा साहब इस संसार को अलविदा कह जाते हैं और वे मानो अपनी नौकरी से त्याग-पत्र देकर अंबेडकर मिशन के समर में कूद पड़ते हैं. आगे का सारा जीवन एक ऐसी लोहमर्षक गाथा है जिसे पढ़ कर प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को शायद ईर्ष्या हो जाए. बाबा साहब द्वारा गठित राजनीतिक दल ‘रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया’ में कूदते हुए वे सन् 1964 को पार्टी द्वारा छेड़े गए ऐतिहासिक आंदोलन में पंजाब की ओर से हिस्सा लेते हैं और उस समय के प्रधानमंत्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री को मिलते हैं और उस ज़मीन को जो मुसलमान पंजाब में छोड़ गए थे, उसे पंजाब के भूमिहीन अनुसूचित जाति के लोगों को बांटी जाए, की मांग करते हैं. यह ऐसा आंदोलन था जिसके तहत किया गया जेल भरो आंदोलन आज भी ऐतिहासिक तौर पर याद किया जाता है. एल. आर. बाली अपनी आत्मकथा में इसके बारे में कहते हैं कि ‘रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया’ के कार्यकर्ताओं की निष्ठा बलिदान और उनके परोपकार की यह एक उज्जवल गाथा है, जो इतिहास में याद रखी जानी चाहिए. बाली जी महज एक व्यक्ति ही नहीं थे, एक ऐसी संस्था थे, जिसके पास वह हर तीर उपलब्ध था जिसने अंबेडकर मिशन को आसमान की बुलंदियों तक पहुंचाया. वे बहुत अच्छे वक्ता थे. एक निडर आंदोलनकर्ता थे. ‘भीम पत्रिका’ द्वारा उन्होंने अंबेडकरी विचारों को पंजाब ही नहीं, देश के कोने-कोने तक पहुंचाया. सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण तथ्य यह है कि अंबेडकर मिशन की लौ को उन्होंने उसी रूप में पहुंचाया जिस रूप में उन्हें बाबा साहब से पाया था. कभी अपने नियम कायदों से समझौता नहीं किया. बाबा साहब के परिनिर्वाण के बाद उनका साहित्य उस संख्या में उपलब्ध नहीं था, जितना आज हमें उपलब्ध होता है. अंबेडकरवादी साहित्य को पढ़ने की ललक तो बहुत थी, लेकिन वह ज्यादा मात्रा में उपलब्ध नहीं था. पंजाब में इस कमी को एल. आर. बाली जी की पुस्तकें पूरा कर रही हैं. उनकी दर्जनों पुस्तकों में से कई पुस्तकें तो इतनी प्रसिद्ध रही हैं कि उनके कई-कई संस्करण छपे हैं. इन पुस्तकों में से उनकी लिखी पुस्तक : ‘डॉ. अंबेडकर : जीवन और मिशन’ बहुत लोकप्रिय हुई. इस पुस्तक ने कई लेखक और अंबेडकरवादी पैदा किए हैं. ‘हिन्दुइज़्म : धर्म या कलंक’ (तीन भागों में) ने बहुत तहलका मचाया. इन पुस्तकों से पता चलता है कि उनकी अंबेडकर मिशन पर कितनी गहरी पकड़ थी. एक बाज़ – सी दृष्टि रखने वाले एल.आर. बाली अपने वैचारिक प्रतिद्वंद्वियों के लिए मानों एक हौआ बने हुए थे. आर. एस. एस. जैसे हाथ व्यक्ति भी उनके सामने रिरियाने की मुद्रा में आ जाते थे. मंच पर उनका भाषण इतना वज़नदार होता था कि लोग सम्मोहन की मुद्रा में घंटों उनका भाषण सुनने बैठे रह सकते थे. वे एक कुशल संगठन कर्ता भी थे. रिपब्लिकन पार्टी का ठोस गठन उनकी योग्यता को दर्शाता है. कभी न थकने वाले इस योद्धा को कभी भुलाया नहीं जा सकता. समय की धारा कभी रुकती नहीं, न ही प्रकृति का चलना. प्रत्येक वस्तु पनपती है तो अपने विनाश तक भी पहुंच जाती है, इस बौद्ध सिद्धांत के मुताबिक बाली जी भले ही हमारे सामने सशरीर नहीं हैं, लेकिन उनका ढेरों लिखा साहित्य, उनके विचार, उनकी भावभंगिमाएं हमेशा हमारे बीच बनी रहेंगी. अंबेडकर मिशन का ध्वज ऊंचा रखने वाले इस मनोहर व्यक्तित्व को हम झुक कर सलाम करते हैं. उनको प्रणाम करते हैं. अंत में मैं उनको भरे मन से बाबा साहब के लिखे उन शब्दों, जो बाली जी ने अपनी आत्मकथा में उद्धृत किए हैं, के साथ अपनी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता हूं : “मैं कवि भवभूती के शब्दों में सांत्वना पाता हूं जिन्होंने कहा था : समय अनन्त है और धरती विशाल है. एक न एक दिन ऐसा इन्सान ज़रूर जन्म लेगा जो मेरे कथनों की प्रशंसा करेगा.” बाली जी उन्हीं में
Story of A grieved son – Dr Rahul Kumar Balley
My Beloved father has expired but he is still around me ! A Grieved Son – Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley He is no more; this was told to me by Shri Baldev Raj Bhardwaj (our respected brother -in-law) on 06 July,2023. Same morning, I spoke with my beloved father who told me nothing to worry, just cough and fever. He also told he took medicine and it would take few days to recover completely. For a moment I could not believe this disastrous news. How can this happen, my great father was fine a few minutes ago. How can he leave us? All these questions still haunt me. I am unable to sleep well since the day my beloved father left this world. I always look at the window of my flat in Delhi and feel like calling him at 4pm. This was the time when, without fail, I used to call him every day to know about his health. He was a great writer, speaker whose heart and mind throbbed for the deprived section of the society. He was a true Ambedkarite and Buddhist who fulfilled his promise given to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in 1956 at his Delhi residence. He never thought of anything else than how to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar among the oppressed sections of the society. He memorized all volumes of Writings and Speeches of Dr. Ambedkar. I know this because I had a chance to edit LIFE & MISSION of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, English edition, with him. I travelled a number of times from Delhi to Jalandhar to consult him for this book. Whenever I had a doubt he would tell me, go and fetch that volume and refer this page number. Even at the age of 92 his memory was sharp. I was amazed to understand his sincerity and honesty to the mission of Dr. Ambedkar. He gave a prime youth of his life for Baba Saheb Mission. He was a voracious reader. He had a big library covering almost all subjects viz politics, economics, philosophy, poetry so and so on. He widely read the life and work of world-renowned leaders like Leo Tolstoy, Bertrand Russell, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mao Tung, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, Maxim Gorky, Bhagat Singh, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal. Granth Sahib, Bhagwat Gita, Manu smriti are among the books in his shelf. He subscribed to 10 daily newspapers (Hindi and English). He used to get pasted newspaper cuttings by his assistant in a meticulous way for further reference. He also subscribed to Mainstream, Illustrated Weekly, India Today, the Economist and Economic and Political Weekly. He was a critic of M.K. Gandhi and Gandhism but with substance. He had good command over Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English. He also knew Parsi language. He used to type letters on manual typewriter which is still lying in his library at Jalandhar (Punjab). My father was a literary giant. He authored more than 200 books. I would like to cite an example which was told to me by his Canadian follower who left India and settled there permanently. He told me in a public function that my respected father typed a letter to the Railway Minister in those days about promotion of Dalit candidates. He and his colleague were promoted after my father took up their case. This Canadian friend of my father showed me a copy of that letter (1984) when I met him in Delhi. There are several such cases. My father got employment in Government hospitals for many Dalit candidates with the help of Dr. R. D Nar who was Director of Health Services in Punjab. Dr. Nar used to stay with him in his room. I remember how they used to discuss poems and literature and laughed together. Here, I would like to mention that Dr Surinder Ajnat and Mrs. Soma Sablok (his wife) has a special role in the life of my father. The day they met my father, they become his literary associates. They never falter from Ambedkar Mission. Both wrote articles and books for Bheem Parrika and Bheem Patrika Publications. Balley family would never forget their contributions. In Punjab, at Tahltan village when a Dalit woman was raped by an upper caste Jat, my father formed ‘Dalit Action Committee’ and launched agitation along with Retd Judge RC Paul, Prof GC Kaul and many others leaders and activists, workers. My father escaped bullet narrowly. In the last the culprit was arrested. Out of respect and love, the people of Punjab address my father as “Lion of Punjab”. In Jalandhar along with my uncle Bihari Lal Khar, my father launched an agitation to get Dr Ambedkar statue stalled and finally the local government bowed to the demand and Dr. Ambedkar statute is placed. It is now famously called “Ambedkar Chowk”. Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan is a training center for budding leaders. This contribution with the support of other Ambedkarites and Buddhists from all over the world is now an institution. In Delhi, Shri Bheeshampal Singh stood by father like a true friend and follower. He organized many public functions where my father was the chief guest. In Maharashtra, Shri Chandankhere and his wife Mrs. Bimla, Shri Harish Chahande and his family stood by father and organized Samata Sainik Dal (SSD). Once upon a time, I happened to accompany my father to Nagpur, I found that people came from far flung areas to see my father and kissed hands of my father as if he is Dr. Ambedkar. When I asked them, they told me that “your father met our emancipator and kissing his hands means for us as we are kissing hands of our great leader Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar. My father was the first one along with others in Mumbai to pressurize the government of Maharastra to publish the volumes of Writings and Speeches of Dr. Ambedkar. State wide agitation was launched and ultimately government of Maharashtra started publishing Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar volumes. In England, Chanan
Dr. Bhante Saranapala
Buddhism -:Mass Appeal of Buddhism:- There were three cardinal of Buddha that appealed to the masses. His gospel of social equality , his demand for the abolution of the ‘chaturvarna’ system, his doctrine of non violence and his condemnation of celebrates religious ceremonies and sacrifices which improvised the masses & created among them a repugnance for religious ceremonies – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Buddhism: A Way of Life That Can Be Practiced by Anyone Venerable Dr. Bhante Saranapala Toronto Police Buddhist Chaplain Canada Dhamma expounded by the Buddha in the 6th century highlights a key aspect of Buddhism, which is its inclusivity and the universal applicability of its teachings. Buddhism is not limited by cultural, geographical, or social boundaries. It is a philosophy and way of life that can be practiced by people from all backgrounds and at all times. The core teachings of Buddhism are designed to be accessible to anyone seeking personal transformation, happiness, peace, and freedom from suffering. Though the term “Buddhism” was coined by Western scholars to describe the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha himself did not intend to create a rigid “ism” or organized religion. His teachings, often referred to as Dhamma (or Dharma), are not a set of beliefs to be accepted on faith but rather a guide for personal development and understanding the nature of reality. Buddhism places a strong emphasis on personal transformation. It teaches that by working on oneself through morality (sila), meditation (samadhi), and wisdom (panna), individuals can liberate themselves from suffering and attain happiness, peace, and ultimate freedom (Nirvana). Meditation is a central practice in Buddhism. It is not only a means to relax the body and calm the mind but also a way to purify the mind and gain insight into the nature of one’s own mind and the world around us. Meditation is viewed as a tool for self-discovery and for shaping the mind in a way that leads to liberation from suffering. Unlike some religious traditions that may involve seeking favors or intervention from external deities, Buddhism emphasizes self-reliance and inner work. The path to liberation is primarily an individual journey, and it does not rely on external forces or divine intervention. Buddhism offers a practical and philosophical approach to life that is open to all, regardless of their background or beliefs. It provides guidance for personal growth, ethical living, and the pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment through self-transformation. The story of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as the Buddha, is a central narrative in Buddhism and serves as an important foundation for the teachings of the religion. Siddhartha Gautama was born into a wealthy and powerful royal family in ancient India. He enjoyed a life of luxury and privilege, shielded from the hardships of the outside world. Despite his privileged upbringing, Siddhartha Gautama became deeply dissatisfied with the materialistic and sensory pleasures of palace life. He recognized that external wealth and sensual gratification did not lead to lasting happiness or the end of suffering. Siddhartha Gautama embarked on a quest to discover the ultimate truth about human existence and the nature of suffering. He was determined to find a path to ultimate freedom from the cycle of suffering, birth, and death (samsara). In his search for answers, Siddhartha Gautama sought guidance from some renowned spiritual teachers of different disciplines. He dedicated himself to learning and mastering their teachings and practices in his pursuit of enlightenment. Despite his efforts and the wisdom he gained from these teachers, Siddhartha Gautama came to the realization that the existing systems of thought and practices did not provide the answers he sought. They did not lead to the awakening and the end of human suffering he was seeking. Siddhartha Gautama’s quest for answers ultimately led him to realize that the extreme ascetic practices he had been following did not lead to the enlightenment he sought. He then turned to meditation as a middle way between self-indulgence and self-mortification. Siddhartha Gautama famously sat beneath the Bodhi tree in deep meditation, vowing not to rise until he had found the answers he sought. It was during this intense period of meditation that he achieved profound insights into the nature of reality, suffering, and the path to liberation. These insights are often summarized in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which form the core teachings of Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths: 1. The truth of suffering (dukkha): Buddha realized that suffering is an inherent part of human existence and that it arises from attachment, craving, and ignorance.2. The truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya): Buddha identified the root causes of suffering as craving (tanha) and attachment (upadana).3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (nirodha): Buddha recognized that it is possible to end suffering by eliminating its causes.4. The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (magga): Buddha outlined the Eightfold Path as the way to attain liberation from suffering. Dr. Bhante Saranapala Canada The Eightfold Path: a. Right Understanding (samma ditthi)b. Right Intention (samma sankappa)c. Right Speech (samma vaca)d. Right Action (samma kammanta)e. Right Livelihood (samma ajiva)f. Right Effort (samma vayama)g. Right Mindfulness (samma sati)h. Right Concentration (samma samadhi) Through these insights gained through meditation, Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment and realized Nirvana, which is often described as the ultimate state of liberation and the end of suffering. His teachings and the path he discovered formed the foundation of Buddhism, and he became known as the Buddha, which means “the awakened one.” The Buddha’s enlightenment experience led him to understand that suffering is an inherent part of human existence and that its causes are primarily rooted in the mind. His teachings emphasized the importance of transforming the mind to eliminate suffering and attain liberation. The Noble Eightfold Path, as outlined by the Buddha, involves recognizing the wrong factors and working to transform them into their right counterparts. The Noble Eightfold Path provides a practical guide for individuals to cultivate wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline.