“Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Caste Discrimination: A stumbling block in the development of SCs/STs Women in India >Dr. Saroj Rani, Associate Professor, M.A; PhD Saroj Rani, Associate Professor, M.A; PhD Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian constitution, a true celebrated champion of women emancipation in India saw a dream for gender equality. He laid down the foundation of concrete and sincere efforts by codifying the common Civil Code for Hindus and other sections of Indian society. He stated that women should be given all-round development more importantly social education, their well -being and socio-cultural rights. He emphasized that each and every section of Indian women be given their due share and it is a must to maintain and protect dignity and modesty of women. Dr. Ambedkar tried an adequate inclusion of womens` right in the political vocabulary and constitution such as: Article14 – Equal rights and opportunities in political, economic and social spheres. Article 15 prohibits discrimination on the ground of sex. Article 15(3) enables affirmative discrimination in favour of women. Article 39 – Equal means of livelihood and equal pay for equal work. Article 42 – Human conditions of work and maternity relief. Article 51 (A) (C) – Fundamental duties to renounce practices, derogatory to the dignity of women. Article 46 – The state to promote with special care, the educational and economic interests of weaker section of people and to protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation. Article 243D (3), 243T (3) & 243R (4) provides for allocation of seats in the Panchayati Raj System. Several constitutional safeguards and laws in the judicial system for the protection of women are available but the crime rate against SCs/STs women in India has been on the rise. According to Citing data from the National Crime Record Bureau, Ambika Pandit report in the Times of India (Dec 6, 2023), 57,582 cases registered for committing crime against Scheduled Castes (SCs) in 2022(50,900). The data reflects an increase of 13.1% over 2021. Similarly, a total 10,064 cases registered for committing crime against Scheduled Tribes (STs), an increase of 14.3% over 2021(8,802). This article tries to examine the contemporary social, economic and political status of SCs/STs women in India. In rural & urban areas of India, the SCs/STs women are subjected to social segregation and are the victims of the caste system which create barriers in the development of SCs/ STs Women. It is a common feature that the SCs/STs women face abusive and stigmatized language in everyday life. The elite upper caste women do not prefer to interact with their fellow sisters because of the prevalence of the caste system. The SCs/STs women are not invited to participate in cultural and religious functions of the society where mostly they reside. One side, the SCs/STs women are discriminated by the fellow sisters, another side they remain socially backward and submissive due to the prevalence of ‘Patriarchy’. Within the family and their own community, they are subjected to various kinds of social taboos such as inter-caste marriage, regressive Hindu beliefs and norms that constraints their social advancement. Recently, the “Stand Up India Scheme” was launched by the Modi government to facilitate SCs/STs women entrepreneurs. Because of the lack of digital literacy, the SCs/STs women do not get the benefit of such flagship schemes. The system is as complex as the exploitation of sources and resources at the hands of upper caste people is a common feature. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of an independent India, said: “Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar was a symbol of revolt against all oppressive features of Hindu society. His dream of society based on gender equality is yet to be realized and therefore his thoughts are important for the social reconstruction that favors women empowerment”. It is concluded that society`s mental attitude needs to be changed towards SCs/ STs women to empower them socially, economically and politically. Dr Saroj Rani, Associate Professor currently teaching Economics at University of Delhi. हिंदी अनुवाद जातिगत भेदभाव: भारत में अनुसूचित जाति/अनुसूचित जनजाति की महिलाओं के विकास में एक बाधा डॉ. सरोज रानी, एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, एम.ए., पीएच.डी भारतीय संविधान के मुख्य वास्तुकार, भारत में महिला मुक्ति के सच्चे प्रतिष्ठित चैंपियन डॉ. बी.आर. अम्बेडकर ने लैंगिक समानता के लिए एक सपना देखा था। उन्होंने हिंदुओं और भारतीय समाज के अन्य वर्गों के लिए समान नागरिक संहिता को संहिताबद्ध करके ठोस और ईमानदार प्रयासों की नींव रखी। उन्होंने कहा कि महिलाओं को सर्वांगीण विकास और अधिक महत्वपूर्ण सामाजिक शिक्षा, उनकी भलाई और सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक अधिकार दिए जाने चाहिए। उन्होंने इस बात पर जोर दिया कि भारतीय महिलाओं के प्रत्येक वर्ग को उनका उचित हिस्सा दिया जाना चाहिए और महिलाओं की गरिमा और शील को बनाए रखना और उनकी रक्षा करना जरूरी है। डॉ. अम्बेडकर ने राजनीतिक शब्दावली और संविधान में महिलाओं के अधिकार को पर्याप्त रूप से शामिल करने का प्रयास किया जैसे: अनुच्छेद 14 – राजनीतिक, आर्थिक और सामाजिक क्षेत्रों में समान अधिकार और अवसर। अनुच्छेद 15 लिंग के आधार पर भेदभाव पर रोक लगाता है। अनुच्छेद 15(3) महिलाओं के पक्ष में सकारात्मक भेदभाव को सक्षम बनाता है। अनुच्छेद 39 – आजीविका के समान साधन और समान कार्य के लिए समान वेतन। अनुच्छेद 42 – मानव कार्य की स्थितियाँ और मातृत्व राहत। अनुच्छेद 51 (ए) (सी) – महिलाओं की गरिमा के लिए अपमानजनक प्रथाओं का त्याग करना मौलिक कर्तव्य। अनुच्छेद 46 – राज्य कमजोर वर्ग के लोगों के शैक्षिक और आर्थिक हितों की विशेष देखभाल करेगा और उन्हें सामाजिक अन्याय और सभी प्रकार के शोषण से बचाएगा। अनुच्छेद 243D (3), 243T (3) और 243R (4) पंचायती राज प्रणाली में सीटों के आवंटन का प्रावधान करता है। महिलाओं की सुरक्षा के लिए न्यायिक प्रणाली में कई संवैधानिक सुरक्षा उपाय और कानून उपलब्ध हैं, लेकिन भारत में एससी/एसटी महिलाओं के खिलाफ अपराध दर बढ़ रही है। राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकॉर्ड ब्यूरो के आंकड़ों का हवाला देते हुए, टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया में अंबिका पंडित की रिपोर्ट (6 दिसंबर, 2023) के अनुसार, 2022 में अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) के खिलाफ अपराध करने के लिए 57,582 मामले दर्ज किए गए (50,900)। डेटा
In an interview to Bheem Patrika Editor, Dr. Surendra Ajnat*, MA, PhD elaborates
“Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar In an interview to Bheem Patrika Editor, Dr. Surendra Ajnat*, MA, PhD elaborates: Dr. Rahul Balley with Dr. Surendra Ajnat Q. When did you start writing on Dr. Ambedkar and Buddhism? Explain briefly the names and work of dedicated people who devoted their whole life to spread the ideology of Dr. Ambedkar in context of Punjab. How you evaluate their work? A. I started writing on Buddhism and Ambedkarism in early 1970’s. There are many people in Punjab who devoted their lives for Buddhism and Ambedkarism, but the first name that comes to my mind is that of Mr. Lahori Ram Balley (popularly known as Balley in India and abroad) who left no stone unturned for the spread of the duo. He authored books, penned articles in different languages and delivered lectures to propagate Buddhism and Ambedkarism not only in Punjab but also in India and abroad. I must confess here that I was inspired by Mr. Balley. Then there was Mr. Hazara Ram Bodhi. He always devoted his life for the spread of the duo. He sold literature everywhere. Thus, people got books at their doorstep. His bicycle was always full of books mostly written by Mr. Balley. Then there was Mahashay Krishan Kumar Bodhi of Nawanshahr. He was previously an Arya Samajist, but after listening to a speech of Mr. Balley in 1956 became a lifelong Buddhist and Ambedkarite. He raised Ambedkar Bhawan at Nawanshahar where a school is imparting education to boys and girls. All these great men devoted their lives in their own way to the cause of Buddhism and Ambedkarism. We have great respect for their contribution and salute them, though towering personality of Mr. Balley stands above all. Q.Punjab has unique social position in which open chasm among Ambedkarites and Ravidassis is seen. What are the issues you think need to be addressed and how can this widening split be bridged? A. The chasm between the Ravidasis and Ambedkarites seen in Punjab is but natural though both belong to the same social category. Ambedkarites have left their traditional religion and have embraced Buddhism at the behest of Dr. Ambedkar whereas Ravidasis have not abondened their traditional religion. That is the main cause of the chasm: their belief systems and worldviews are opposed to each other; despite caste similarity. But Buddhists and Ambedkarites do not believe in caste, they stand for castelessness. Buddhism and Ambedkarism is an atheistic way of life, while Ravidasis are theists. To bridge the gap many writers try to present guru Ravidas ji as a Buddhist, but that carries no weight. People remain unaffected by such exercises. Both of them- Ambedkarites and Ravidasis- are dalit; but there is no dalitology – dalit ideology – which could solidify the dalits. Consequently, dalits lack unity as dalits. There is no monolithic dalit identity, so to expect unity among dalits is like chasing wild goose. If ever a strong dalit identity emerges and supersedes all other identities then Buddhism and Ambedkarism shall mortally suffer– these identities shall stand overshadowed and face the worst crises of existence. Why do the Buddhists and Ambedkarites not seek the Buddhist and Ambedkarite allies instead of seeking Ravidasis who are of another feather in the first place? Birds of same feather flock together, they say. Q. Despite 33% Dalit population in Punjab, the Dalits are unable to build up a strong political front in Punjab, what hurdles you think are working within the community to stop this? A. Though Dalit population is 33% in Punjab, they fail to build a strong political front – that really pains. But as I have already stated, Dalit are not a monolithic community. They have risen, it seems, above dalithood and are adopting non-dalit political parties. On a reserved seat 4 or 5 dalits fight from different parties. All that shatters the dalit identity badly as acrimony entails. In such a situation building a strong political front of dalits is a herculean task. Q. Caste discrimination is hardly noticed in day- to day life in Punjab but Honor Killing is worse than Caste discrimination. How you examine it? A. ‘Honor Killing’ is the result of very cruel casteist mindset. That perpetuates caste-consciousness through terror. This is a new malady which must be remedied soon. Such barbarous acts are a slur on the civilization. Q. How you evaluate the mushrooming of societies, organizations and Foundations in the name of Dr. Ambedkar and Tathagata Buddha in Punjab? How these institutes can be brought under one umbrella; what are your suggestions? A. That is a very serious situation. In a democracy people are free to make societies or associations, but when the aim is not different, why should there be mushrooming of such organizations? They only create confusion and division in the society. The main cause seems that those who find no place in old organizations, they feel compelled to create new societies and there they become presidents etc. I propose making a federation of all the existing societies/ associations. All may work independently under the umbrella of federation; which would meet from time to time. That would be better for the present. Surendra Ajnat did M.A. in Sanskrit and Hindi respectively. He is a University Gold Medalist and bagged Doctor of Philosophy. He is well versed in scriptures. Dr. Ajnat is a staunch rationalist and atheist. Dr. Ajnat contributes articles to various national and international newspapers, magazines and research journals. Dr. Ajnat is a staunch Ambedkarite and Buddhist and penned down several books on Dr. Ambedkar and Buddhism. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit