Edition – October, 2023 बोधीसत्व डॉ बाबासाहाब आंबेडकर बुध्दिस्ट सेमिनरी, उंटखाना, संचालीत डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर स्मारक समिती दिक्षाभूमि, नागपुर स्थापना-10 में 2022 को भदन्त आर्य नागार्जुन सुरई ससाई अध्यक्ष, प.पु. डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर स्मारक समिती, दिक्षाभूमी नागपुर और सचिव, सुधीर फुलझेले, दिक्षाभुमी के अन्य सदस्य इनके व्दारा स्थापना की गई। 11 में 2022 को भदन्त धम्मसारथी इनको बुध्दीस्ट सेमिनरी का कार्यभार सौपा गया, मुख्य धम्म प्रशिक्षक के रूप मे भिक्खु, श्रामणेर, उपासक, उपासीका को धम्म प्रशिक्षण का कार्य शुरू हुवा। संकल्पना :- डॉ. भिमराव बाबासाहाब आंबेडकर जी ने 4 दिंसंबर 1954 को रंगून (बर्मा) मे आयोजित आंतरराष्ट्रीय बौद्ध सम्मेलन में जो भाषण दिया था उसमे जो प्रमुख मुद्दे उभर कर सामने आये उनमे से कुछ बातो को केंद्रबिन्दु मानकर संकल्प किया गया,भारत में बुद्ध धम्म का प्रचार प्रसार सूचारू रूप से होने के लिये निम्न कुछ बाते करना जरूरी थी । एक तो बुद्ध धम्म के केंद्र की स्थापना करना जहाँ से उपदेशक बनने के इच्छुक व्यक्तीयों को बुद्ध धम्म तथा अन्य धर्मो के तूलनात्मक अध्ययन की कि शिक्षा दी जा सकें, कई सारे साधारण उपासकों की नियुक्ती करना जो कि लोगों के बीच जाकर बाबासाहेब को अपेक्षित धम्म का उपदेश दे सके, और यह भी देंखे की लोग सही अर्थ में धम्म का कितना पालन कर रहे है या कर हि नही रहें । हर एक रविवार को बुद्ध विहार में सामुहीक वंदना का प्रावधान करना उसके बाद उपदेशो का एक सत्र आयोजित करना समय की माँग है। इन सारी बातो को समझकर भदन्त अरिय नागार्जुन सुरई ससाई जी के मन में बुद्धीस्ट सेमिनरी स्थापित करने के संकल्प का जन्म हुआ। बुद्धीस्ट सेमिनरी के नाम के सम्बंध में चिंतन – बौदध राष्ट्रों मे बौद्ध परंपराओं को आधारशीला मानकर बौदध धम्म की शिक्षा प्रदान की जाती है लेकीन भदंत आर्य नागार्जुन सुरई ससाईजी को भारत में पारंपारीक उपासना पद्धतीपर निर्भर धम्म प्रचार नही करना था बल्की उसके बदले में बाबासाहाब को अपेक्षित बौदध धम्म का प्रचार प्रसार करना था भदन्त सुरई ससाई के मनोपटल पर डॉ बाबासाहाब आंबेडकरजी के धम्म क्रांती और संघर्षशील विचारों का जबरदस्त प्रभाव विचारों का होने के कारण हि उन्होने, बोधीसत्व डॉ बाबासाहाब आंबेडकर बुध्दीस्ट सेमिनरी के स्वरूप में नाम को अंतीम सहमती दी। धम्म प्रशिक्षण के सम्बंध में:– संदर्भ- The Buddha and his Dhamma इस ग्रंथ में पृष्ठ क्र. 282 में डॉ बाबासाहाब आंबेडकर जी ने जो रूपरेखा बताई है उसके अनुसार :- धम्म का काम केवल उपदेश देना ही नही होना चाहीए, बल्की जैसे भी हो इससे मनुष्य के मन में सम्यक धम्माचारी होने की आवश्यकता की भावना उपन्न करनी चाहिए । इसके लिए धम्म को दूसरे भी कार्य करने होते है । धम्म व्दारा मनुष्य को यह शिक्षा दी जाये की असम्यक कर्म क्या है, और जो असम्यक कम्म है उससे मनुष्य ने कैसे दूर रहना चाहिये। * सम्यक कम्म क्या है और जो सम्यक कम्म है उसका वह पालन कैसे करे। Bhante Dhamma Sarthi * धम्म के इन दो उद्देश्यों के अलावा, बुध्द ने अन्य उद्देश्यों पर भी जोर दिया जिन्हें वे महत्वपूर्ण समझते थे। पहला है- मनुष्य के स्वभाव और उसकी प्रवृत्तियों का प्रशिक्षण। चित्तवृत्ती सुधारने का प्रशिक्षण: कुशल प्रवृत्ती ही किसी स्थायी सम्यक आचरण के आश्वासन का स्थायी आधार है। दुसरी बात है ‘ मनुष्य के अकेले होने के स्थीती में भी उचित मार्ग पर डटे रहने का साहस हो। इच्छा शक्ती का विकास करना और यही सम्यक चेतना स्थिती को प्रभावित करता है,इन सभी बताए गए संस्कारों के लिए इच्छा शक्ती को विकसीत करना आवश्यक है। इसी के आधार पर बुध्दिस्ट सेमिनरी मे धम्म वर्ग चलाया जाता है। बडे ब्लैक बोर्ड पर लिखीत स्वरूप में धम्म प्रशिक्षण दिया जाता है और उपासको को नोट्स दिये जाते है ताकी वे उस नोट्स के आधार पर घर जाकर भी चिंतन मनन कर सकें। ठिक उसी प्रकार मन के प्रकृती और स्वभाव का भी प्रशिक्षण दिया जाता है। उपासक उपासीकाओं के लिए धम्म वर्ग हर सप्ताह शनिचर के दिन दोपहर 12 बजे से शाम 5 बजे तक धम्म वर्ग में धम्म सिखाया जाता है। प्रशिक्षणार्थीयो को धम्म प्रबोधन कर उन्हे धम्म के आचरण करने के लिये सही अर्थ में उन्हे साहसी बनाया जाता है । या पर साहसी इस शब्द का प्रयोग इसलिये किया गया है क्योंकि जहा दुनिया में दुष्कर्म करने वालो को लोग ताकतवर समझते है वहॉ पर सच्चाई इमानदारी से जीवन व्यतीत करना एक तरह का साहस हि है । बच्चों के लिये साप्ताहीक धम्म वर्ग हर रविवार को सबेरे 9:00 बजे से 11:00 बजे तक बच्चों को धम्म में प्रशिक्षीत किया जाता है जिसके चलते उनपर धम्म संस्कार किये जा सकें, इसके के कारण वे आगें चलकर जीवन में एक अच्छे उपासक उपासिका बन सकें। निवासी धम्म प्रशिक्षण शिबीर का आयोजन– लगभग 5 से 10 दिनका धम्म का निवासी शिबीर का आयोजन साल में तीन से चार बार किया जाता है। उस शिबीर में, महाराष्ट्र तेलंगाना, तामीलनाडू, कर्नाटक उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्यप्रदेश, continue in next edition… Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
Deaf and Blind Dalit MPs in the Indian Parliament
Editorial in English: Deaf and Blind Dalit MPs in the Indian Parliament Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley, PhD Kursi hai tumhara ye janaza to nahin hai Kuchh kar nahin sakte to uter kyon nahin jaate ! -Irtiza Nishat First of all, I presume that the Dalit MPs have no time to read this article. Secondly if they happen to read this, they would label me as an agent of the Congress or the BJP party. I do not care for these sorts of allegations. I shall always raise the voice of my people whenever I find an opportunity or a platform. I feel that every concerned Dalit should come forward to raise voice of the marginalised Dalits. Dalit Representation in the Parliament It is often seen that the Dalits leaders are allured by political parties either for plum posts or financial rewards. The majority of the Dalit leaders are chosen only to exploit the strength of the Dalits in the Dalit populated constituency. Political parties run by Upper Caste Hindus, generally, do not entertain closely the Dalit leaders unless or until he or she religiously follow their ideology and be ready always for causing callous damage to the interests of the Dalits at large. For Example, Chirag Paswan, a Dalit leader from Bihar went to Vaishno Devi to seek her blessings for his film. Such category of Dalit leaders is suitable to national political parties run by Upper Caste Hindus. Since the BJP backed by RSS came into power at the centre, the party has pruned the strength of the Dalits hence they are under-represented in the Parliament of India. Those who are in the BJP are voiceless, powerless and toothless. They cannot dare to even stand closer to Prime Minister Narender Modi. As per Home Minister Amit shah officials tweet in 2022, 52 Dalits Members of Parliament are in the BJP. Despite this, the Dalit Members of Parliament are unable to raise voice against atrocities being committed by Upper Caste Hindus in every state, district or village. The Dalits are subjected to all kinds of humiliations and insults at the hands of the Upper Caste politicians and administrators. Social discrimination Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr, Bhim Rao Ambedkar, a great son of India, a constitutionalist, a Barrister -at- law, an economist and a sociologist observed that the fight between Dalits and Hindus is social not religious. The oppressed and supressed Dalits are subjected to various kinds of social disabilities. In 1927, Dr. Ambedkar launched Mahad Satyagraha to allow untouchables to use water in a public tank in Mahad, Maharashtra. Dr. Ambedkar was a rebel. Dr. Ambedkar did not bother for any kind of plum post or financial award but kept on fighting the Brahmanical supremacy till his death on 6th December, 1956. After his death, not a single BJP Dalit member of parliament could dare to stand for the rights of the Dalits. In December 2019, a 20-year -old Dalit boy was beaten in Ahmedabad, Gujarat for sporting a moustache. In Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, stones were thrown at a Dalit groom`s wedding. The curse of discrimination has permeated into the educational institutions without impunity. The Dalit students are committing suicides because of antagonistic attitude towards them. Rohith Vemula in 2016 committed suicide in the hostel of University of Hyderabad. The Hindu press planted knowingly several stories and the case was given different colour. Even the Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani said that there is no question of an apology from her government in the suicide case of Rohith Vemula[1]. After the BJP came into power at the centre, the ABVP activists are systematically discouraging the Dalit students by using immoral methods in association with Hindu minded teachers and students. At several places in India, the Dalits burnt the copies of Manu Smriti ( Dr. Ambedkar burnt in on 25th December, 1927) . None of the Dalit MP did so. Untouchability Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar wrote, “To the untouchables Hinduism a veritable chamber of horrors. The sanctity and infallibility of the Vedas, Smritis and Shastras, the Iron of law od caste, the heartless law of karma and the senseless law of status by birth are to the Untouchables veritable instruments of torture which Hinduism has forged against the Untouchable[2]” Untouchability is still practised in both rural and urban India by Upper Castes Hindus. According to former UGC chairman Prof, Sukhadeo Thorat, “The caste system in India involves “rank and gradation,” which make “the rights and privileges of higher castes, become the disabilities of the lower castes, particularly the untouchables.” In Himachal Pradesh, according to one study around 129 types of untouchability practices are prevalent. A case in the state is relevant to mention here. In mid-February, a government -run high school in Kullu district segregated its Dalit students and told them to sit outside in a place used for horses during the telecast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi`s ‘Pariksha Par Charcha[3]’. There are hundreds of such cases of untouchability being practiced by the Upper Caste Hindus across the country. The irony is that there are no systematic and collective efforts by Dalit MPs to fight the curse of Untouchability. Poverty Historically, Dalits have remained landless. Jodhka and Gautam on Dalit entrepreneurship for the Social Exclusion reports: “Despite several positive changes, caste continues to play a role in the urban economy, and for the Dalit entrepreneurs (studied) it was almost always negative. Dalits lacked economic resources, but even when they had economic resources, they were crippled by a lack of social resources[1].” Almost 100 million Dalits in India – or one third of their total
Shri Balley Ji was an institution – Monica Sallan
Edition – November, 2023 Editorial in English: Shri Balley Ji was an institution Monica Sallan With great reverence, Papaji was more than a grandfather to me. Because I lived in Canada I saw him briefly throughout my 40 years of life. He used to visit us on several occasions and I always found him reading books and making notes. Publishing Bheem Patrika was always a priority to him because he believed that he would carry the message of Baba Saheb Dr. B.R.Ambedkar to the people of the world so he did till last breath of his life. When he left the world, the last issue of Bheem Patrika was edited by him and is preserved by us. His thoughts are inspirational. When I grew up I met many people in Canada who proudly tells me that they read books of Balley Saheb. When I hear this I feel myself proud. He wasn’t simply a grandfather that held me in his arms. He wasn’t simply a grandfather that fed me with his hands but he was more than that, If I define his magnetic personality he was my role model. He was an inspiration to me and I wished to be like him. My grandfather was a liberal man who wanted freedom for women, he always wanted that a girl child should gain higher education and rise in life. His motivation pushed to join and finish Master in journalism in Canada, because I wanted to tell stories like him. In 2005, I made my first documentary on the caste system. While I was making this documentary I sought his guidance on several issues. I found him knowledgeable. In my childhood, my parents spoke about the great things that Baba Saheb Dr B.R Ambedkar did for the downtrodden of India and how my grandfather promised to continue the work of Dr Ambedkar, at that time I could not understand fully. Over the years, seeing my grandfather’s dedication to Bheem Patrika and writing over 100s of books, I found that my grandfather kept Dr Ambedkar’s legacy alive . So now it’s our turn to keep his legacy alive. My grandfather was a great orator. I often listen his recorded speeches. I found that there was pin drop silence in the hall. The audience was mesmerized by his motivational speeches. My grandfather and grandmother loved their grandchildren dearly. They always treated their grandchildren like VIPs. I felt like a VIP in their presence whenever I came to India. They were very protective. I found that My grandfather house in Jalandhar was always full with people who used to come to my grandfather to seek his advice on social, religious and political issues. He was a staunch Buddhist. Monica Sallan Grand Daughter from Canada withShri. L. R. Balley Ji He came to Canada and stayed with us, motivated every one in the house to set up Ambedkar centers in Canada. My respected father Mohinder Sallan and my mother Suajta Sallan always helped financially the poor children in India for studies. I am proud of my parents. My grandfather was a humble man. Ambedkar Bhavan in Jalandhar is a sign of that humblness and sincerity to the mission of Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar. We are so proud of being his grandchildren. We will always remember him as being a worldy man with great values. We will miss him dearly. We are grateful that he left behind a great legacy and a treasure of books. When we see his videos supervising the construction of Ramabai Ambedkar Yadgar Hall in Ambedkar Bhawan, Jalandhar at the age of 93 we get motivated. His thoughts will live on forever. My promise to him is to translate his autobiography in English so that the generation that cannot read Hindi or Punjabi can read his amazing stories in English and learn his struggle full life. We are inspired to walk a mile in his footsteps. I am prepared to carry forward the caravan of Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the father of Indian Constitution. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
Why do Dalits dislike Gandhi?
Edition – November, 2023 Editorial in English: Why do Dalits dislike Gandhi? Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley, PhD The fight between Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (1891-1956) and M.K. Gandhi (1869-1948) is well documented in the chronicles of Indian history. Dr. Ambedkar was a champion of the downtrodden whereas Gandhi was an ardent supporter of Hinduism and promoted all rubbish traditions, rituals of Brahminism. Gandhi believed in the sanctity of Manusmriti that ordains & sanctifies the age-long oppression & exploitation of the Untouchables by Hindus. Gandhi was a hard-core promoter of Manusmriti, Gita, Shankaracharya`s Vedant, Mahabharat, Ramayana and the Puranas. The Ramayana used to be regularly read in Gandhi`s family. A Brahmin called Ladha Maharaj used to read it.[1] According to Dr. Ambedkar, the three authors of the Vedas were buffoons, knaves & demons.[2] Gandhi said that it is foolish to condemn Vyasa for his defense of the caste system.[3] On 25th Dec, 1927, Dr. Ambedkar burnt the ‘Manusmriti’. In an interview with T.V. Parvate in 1938 Dr. Ambedkar said, “The bonefire of Manusmriti was quite intentional, we made a bonefire of it because we view it as a symbol of injustice under which we have been crushed across centuries.”[4] Dr. Ambedkar was an atheist. On 29 Aug,1931 when Gandhi travelled to London, he said to the media, ‘my faith in God, my advisor is God’.[5] Dr. Ambedkar urges on the Mahar community, as a preliminary step towards the change of religion to refrain henceforth from worshiping Hindu deities to put a stop to the observance of Hindu festivals & to put a stop to visiting Hindu holy places.[6] Inter-dining or inter-marriage solution for getting rid of Untouchability was suggested by Dr. Ambedkar. Gandhi has most categorically stated that removal of Untouchability does not mean inter-dinning or inter-marriage between the Hindus and the Untouchables.[7] Gandhi was an ordinary lawyer who never won any legal case for his client whereas Dr. Ambedkar was a Barrister -at -law and won several legal cases for his clients. Dr. Ambedkar fought for social, political and economic rights of the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) and saw to it that ‘Reservation’ for the socially and economically backward Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) implemented and safeguarded in the constitution of India. Alone, Dr. Ambedkar won Reservation for the SCs and STs. The fruits of which now the SCs and STs are enjoying. Gandhi opposed separate electorate for the Depressed classes at the Round Table Conference in London. Not only opposed but also declared fast unto death against the Communal Award of his Majesty`s government. Dr. Ambedkar, on humanitarian ground saved Gandhi`s life while agreeing to the ‘Poona Pact’. Gandhi took no interest in Bardoli programme which related to the Untouchables. The Satyagraha at the Kala ram Temple situated in Nasik, a town in the Nasik District of the Bombay Presidency, was organized to establish the rights of the Untouchables to enter Hindu temples. The Satyagraha movement was no doubt independent of the Congress . it was organized by the Untouchables, led by the Untouchables and Financed by the Untouchables. Dr. Ambedkar commented that Gandhi however did not give support to the Satyagraha. Not only did he not give his support, he condemned it in strong terms.[8] Dr. Ambedkar commented that ‘Gandhi’s anti-untouchability campaign is marked by so many twists and turns, inconsistencies and contradictions, attacks and surrenders, advances and retreats’ Gandhi collected 1 crore and 25 lakhs of Swaraj Fund, found that only 48 thousand rupees were allotted to the cause of the untouchables’.[9] Gandhi in his whole life undertook 21 fasts. In these 21 fasts there is not one undertaken for the removal of Untouchability.[10] On Gandhi `s half hearted campaign on Untouchability, Dr. Ambedkar commented sarcastically, “there have been many Mahatmas in India whose sole object was to remove Untouchability to elevate & absorb the Depressed Classes , but every one of them has failed in his mission. Mahatmas have come & Mahatmas have gone. But the Untouchables have remained as Untouchables[11]”. References: [1] Dr. Ambedkar (1978), Writings and Speeches, Government of Maharashtra, vol..9,p.241., [2] Ibid, Vol.4, p.156., [3] Ibid, Vol.I, p, 292., [4] Ibid.Vol.17, part I, p.25., [5] Ibid, Vol.17, part I, p.384., [6] Ibid.Vol.17, part I, p.245., [7] Ibid.Vol.9, p.294., [8] Dr. Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, vol.9, p.247., [9] Ibid.Vol.9, p.254., [10] Ibid.Vol.9, p.254., [11] Ibid.Vol.9,p.315. Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley – Ph.D Gandhi began assaulting Dr. Ambedkar not alone but also with powerful, moneyed Birla family. At that period of time, Birla family was very close to Gandhi. The popular rather one can say securely that all social, economic and political agendas of Gandhi were organized by Birla family. Gandhi was against industrialization and thought machine as an evil thing whereas Dr. Ambedkar was progressive and thought that India can prosper only through industrialization. In Gandhi’s view, “western civilization is the creation of satan”[1]. On one occasion when British came to arrest him at night, they found Gandhi in bed with a girl of eighteen.[2] Girja Kumar commented in his book, “Gandhi had his massage practically naked with young girls as his masseurs”.[3] Sir C.P. Ramaswami Iyer,PM, of Travancore, told Mountabatton that , “Gandhi was a most dangerous , semi-repressed sex maniac”.[4]. According to Dr. Ambedkar, of all religions in the world it was Hinduism that recognized caste distinctions and Untouchability. Dr. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism on 14th October, 1956 a Nasik, Maharastra, along with million Dalit followers since he strongly believed that the Dalits if remains in the fold of Hinduism, would be persecuted forever. While announcing at Nachidatsu Fuji`s Japanese ( Nipponzon Myohoji) temple in Bombay that , “ he will dedicate the rest of life to the revival and spread of Buddhism( TOI 1Oct,1950; HT , 4May1950). In responding to it Gandhi retorted: “ religion is not like a house or a cloak, which can be changed at will ( the Htavada, 16 October ,1935, in CWMG Vol.68:65).[5] While speaking at the Vesak celebrations in the Maha Bodi Society `s Dharmarajika vihara
Dr. Ambedkar`s Statues Vandalized – Dr. Rahul Kumar
Edition – November, 2023 Dr. Ambedkar`s Statues vandalized and hatred behind it! Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley Since the death of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in 1956, a wave of hatred among Hindu groups is flourishing. Hindu groups and its leaders claim that ‘Reservation’ for the Scheduled Castes (SCc) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) has pushed back Hindus economically. Reservation for socially and economically SCs/STs was safeguarded by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar that reserved seats for SCs/STs in the government educational institutions and government bodies. Not only this but also, Hindu groups want to perpetuate hatred against Dr. Ambedkar for their own vested interest. The leaders of Hindu groups from, time to time, attack Dr. Ambedkar ideology that talks about casteless society. Dr. Ambedkar`s social philosophy talks about complete annihilation of the caste system. Dr. Ambedkar`s economic philosophy talks about equal opportunity for all irrespective of caste, creed, or color. All these ideals are not acceptable to Hindus groups As a matter of fact, they do not want to establish casteless society. They do not want to share economic development of the country with other backward communities. By erecting Dr. Ambedkar statue, the SCc/STs feel empowered. It is a state of sorry that every time we hear about vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue erected by his followers either in the public parks or in the vicinity of residential colonies. Some below quoted incidents recently are few examples. According to Hindustan Times (03.10.2023) Dr. Ambedkar statue was vandalized by miscreants in Begusarai , Bihar. The local police registered a case against unknown people. No culprit yet has been arrested. The protestors were pacified. Deccan Herald (05.07.2023) the vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue in Lucknow sparked a row. The local followers of Dr. Ambedkar staged a protest against the incident. Decan Herald (27.06.2023) reports the vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue in Bhatla village, Haryana, The policed registered FIR against the culprit but still no arrest. According to media report(Times of India, 20 April,2023), the statue of Dr. Ambedkar was vandalized in Jewar village , Noida. The police could not catch the miscreants till date. The list is very long of such incidents across India. Now the question is who are the people behind it and what is their mentality? What do they gain out of it? What is their politics? Whom they want to please by vandalizing the statue of Dr. Ambedkar? What is the role of the government and the police administration to stop such incidents? All these questions puzzle SCs/ STs across the country. In most of the cases of vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue, the media reports and investigations by the police found that the miscreants belongs to the Hindu groups (Bajrang Dal, VHP, and RSS). RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said, “Everyone living in India is Hindu” (Indian Express 15.11.2022). Savarkar`s landmark text, Hindutva: Who is a Hindu ?(1923) describes “ the Buddha – the Dharma – the Sangha .They are all ours.( Douglas Ober(2023 ) Dust on the Throne: the search for Buddhism in modern India, Stanford University Press, Standford , California, p.160) It is unfortunate, RSS has never raised voice against vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue. There is no statement issued by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat to stop vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue. Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley – Ph.D Similarly, no Hindu group ever raise voice against vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue. No Bollywood celebrity ever raise such issue whereas they feel proud visiting Hindu temples and Mosque to attract the fans. Indian actors and actresses hardly visit Buddha Vihara barring one or two( Dalia Lama temple). It manifests that hatred against Dr. Ambedkar is embedded in the minds and hearts of Hindus. The leader of Hindu groups does not treat the icons of Dalits respectfully as they treat their own Hindu Gods and Goddesses. This mentality of hatred against Dr. Ambedkar must come to an end. The duality of character would not be tolerated by SCs/ STs. The Government of India or ruling political parties in states and districts must see to it that no statue of Dr. Ambedkar is vandalized. This can be done if the local administration keeps a close watch on miscreant who try to disturb peace and harmony by committing such crimes. The vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue smear the image of the country at the international level. It also maligns the image of Hindu groups at the world level. The responsibility also falls on the shoulders of Dalit political leaders who remain silent in the Parliament of India on such issues. On the other hand, all SCs/STs organization in India and abroad must write a letter to Prime Minister and Home Minister and register their complaints and should demand that no person or group should be allowed to vandalize Dr. Ambedkar statue- the father of Indian Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar is a world-renowned personality. The foreign universities feel proud in erecting the statue of Dr. Ambedkar in the premises of the university. Dr. Ambedkar shines like a star in the world because his social, economic philosophy has been accepted by learned professors. Dr. Ambedkar economic thoughts and ideas solve economic woes of the world. Dr. Ambedkar talks about Equality, Liberty and Fraternity which is appealing to the people of the world especially the socially and economically backward communities across the world. Had the constitution of India was implemented honestly by the respective ruling class and ruling parties in India, India would have become Vishaw Guru long time back. Now is the time for Hindu groups to change their hatred mentality against Dr. Ambedkar and stop vandalization of statues and bow their heads respectfully to the father of the Indian Constitution. Rahul Kumar, PhD in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi ( India), is an independent researcher . His area of interest encompasses social & political issues, diplomacy, foreign policy and international relations. The views expressed in this article are personal. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with