Edition – November, 2023 Editorial in English: Why do Dalits dislike Gandhi? Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley, PhD The fight between Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (1891-1956) and M.K. Gandhi (1869-1948) is well documented in the chronicles of Indian history. Dr. Ambedkar was a champion of the downtrodden whereas Gandhi was an ardent supporter of Hinduism and promoted all rubbish traditions, rituals of Brahminism. Gandhi believed in the sanctity of Manusmriti that ordains & sanctifies the age-long oppression & exploitation of the Untouchables by Hindus. Gandhi was a hard-core promoter of Manusmriti, Gita, Shankaracharya`s Vedant, Mahabharat, Ramayana and the Puranas. The Ramayana used to be regularly read in Gandhi`s family. A Brahmin called Ladha Maharaj used to read it.[1] According to Dr. Ambedkar, the three authors of the Vedas were buffoons, knaves & demons.[2] Gandhi said that it is foolish to condemn Vyasa for his defense of the caste system.[3] On 25th Dec, 1927, Dr. Ambedkar burnt the ‘Manusmriti’. In an interview with T.V. Parvate in 1938 Dr. Ambedkar said, “The bonefire of Manusmriti was quite intentional, we made a bonefire of it because we view it as a symbol of injustice under which we have been crushed across centuries.”[4] Dr. Ambedkar was an atheist. On 29 Aug,1931 when Gandhi travelled to London, he said to the media, ‘my faith in God, my advisor is God’.[5] Dr. Ambedkar urges on the Mahar community, as a preliminary step towards the change of religion to refrain henceforth from worshiping Hindu deities to put a stop to the observance of Hindu festivals & to put a stop to visiting Hindu holy places.[6] Inter-dining or inter-marriage solution for getting rid of Untouchability was suggested by Dr. Ambedkar. Gandhi has most categorically stated that removal of Untouchability does not mean inter-dinning or inter-marriage between the Hindus and the Untouchables.[7] Gandhi was an ordinary lawyer who never won any legal case for his client whereas Dr. Ambedkar was a Barrister -at -law and won several legal cases for his clients. Dr. Ambedkar fought for social, political and economic rights of the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) and saw to it that ‘Reservation’ for the socially and economically backward Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) implemented and safeguarded in the constitution of India. Alone, Dr. Ambedkar won Reservation for the SCs and STs. The fruits of which now the SCs and STs are enjoying. Gandhi opposed separate electorate for the Depressed classes at the Round Table Conference in London. Not only opposed but also declared fast unto death against the Communal Award of his Majesty`s government. Dr. Ambedkar, on humanitarian ground saved Gandhi`s life while agreeing to the ‘Poona Pact’. Gandhi took no interest in Bardoli programme which related to the Untouchables. The Satyagraha at the Kala ram Temple situated in Nasik, a town in the Nasik District of the Bombay Presidency, was organized to establish the rights of the Untouchables to enter Hindu temples. The Satyagraha movement was no doubt independent of the Congress . it was organized by the Untouchables, led by the Untouchables and Financed by the Untouchables. Dr. Ambedkar commented that Gandhi however did not give support to the Satyagraha. Not only did he not give his support, he condemned it in strong terms.[8] Dr. Ambedkar commented that ‘Gandhi’s anti-untouchability campaign is marked by so many twists and turns, inconsistencies and contradictions, attacks and surrenders, advances and retreats’ Gandhi collected 1 crore and 25 lakhs of Swaraj Fund, found that only 48 thousand rupees were allotted to the cause of the untouchables’.[9] Gandhi in his whole life undertook 21 fasts. In these 21 fasts there is not one undertaken for the removal of Untouchability.[10] On Gandhi `s half hearted campaign on Untouchability, Dr. Ambedkar commented sarcastically, “there have been many Mahatmas in India whose sole object was to remove Untouchability to elevate & absorb the Depressed Classes , but every one of them has failed in his mission. Mahatmas have come & Mahatmas have gone. But the Untouchables have remained as Untouchables[11]”. References: [1] Dr. Ambedkar (1978), Writings and Speeches, Government of Maharashtra, vol..9,p.241., [2] Ibid, Vol.4, p.156., [3] Ibid, Vol.I, p, 292., [4] Ibid.Vol.17, part I, p.25., [5] Ibid, Vol.17, part I, p.384., [6] Ibid.Vol.17, part I, p.245., [7] Ibid.Vol.9, p.294., [8] Dr. Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, vol.9, p.247., [9] Ibid.Vol.9, p.254., [10] Ibid.Vol.9, p.254., [11] Ibid.Vol.9,p.315. Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley – Ph.D Gandhi began assaulting Dr. Ambedkar not alone but also with powerful, moneyed Birla family. At that period of time, Birla family was very close to Gandhi. The popular rather one can say securely that all social, economic and political agendas of Gandhi were organized by Birla family. Gandhi was against industrialization and thought machine as an evil thing whereas Dr. Ambedkar was progressive and thought that India can prosper only through industrialization. In Gandhi’s view, “western civilization is the creation of satan”[1]. On one occasion when British came to arrest him at night, they found Gandhi in bed with a girl of eighteen.[2] Girja Kumar commented in his book, “Gandhi had his massage practically naked with young girls as his masseurs”.[3] Sir C.P. Ramaswami Iyer,PM, of Travancore, told Mountabatton that , “Gandhi was a most dangerous , semi-repressed sex maniac”.[4]. According to Dr. Ambedkar, of all religions in the world it was Hinduism that recognized caste distinctions and Untouchability. Dr. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism on 14th October, 1956 a Nasik, Maharastra, along with million Dalit followers since he strongly believed that the Dalits if remains in the fold of Hinduism, would be persecuted forever. While announcing at Nachidatsu Fuji`s Japanese ( Nipponzon Myohoji) temple in Bombay that , “ he will dedicate the rest of life to the revival and spread of Buddhism( TOI 1Oct,1950; HT , 4May1950). In responding to it Gandhi retorted: “ religion is not like a house or a cloak, which can be changed at will ( the Htavada, 16 October ,1935, in CWMG Vol.68:65).[5] While speaking at the Vesak celebrations in the Maha Bodi Society `s Dharmarajika vihara
Dr. Ambedkar`s Statues Vandalized – Dr. Rahul Kumar
Edition – November, 2023 Dr. Ambedkar`s Statues vandalized and hatred behind it! Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley Since the death of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in 1956, a wave of hatred among Hindu groups is flourishing. Hindu groups and its leaders claim that ‘Reservation’ for the Scheduled Castes (SCc) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) has pushed back Hindus economically. Reservation for socially and economically SCs/STs was safeguarded by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar that reserved seats for SCs/STs in the government educational institutions and government bodies. Not only this but also, Hindu groups want to perpetuate hatred against Dr. Ambedkar for their own vested interest. The leaders of Hindu groups from, time to time, attack Dr. Ambedkar ideology that talks about casteless society. Dr. Ambedkar`s social philosophy talks about complete annihilation of the caste system. Dr. Ambedkar`s economic philosophy talks about equal opportunity for all irrespective of caste, creed, or color. All these ideals are not acceptable to Hindus groups As a matter of fact, they do not want to establish casteless society. They do not want to share economic development of the country with other backward communities. By erecting Dr. Ambedkar statue, the SCc/STs feel empowered. It is a state of sorry that every time we hear about vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue erected by his followers either in the public parks or in the vicinity of residential colonies. Some below quoted incidents recently are few examples. According to Hindustan Times (03.10.2023) Dr. Ambedkar statue was vandalized by miscreants in Begusarai , Bihar. The local police registered a case against unknown people. No culprit yet has been arrested. The protestors were pacified. Deccan Herald (05.07.2023) the vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue in Lucknow sparked a row. The local followers of Dr. Ambedkar staged a protest against the incident. Decan Herald (27.06.2023) reports the vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue in Bhatla village, Haryana, The policed registered FIR against the culprit but still no arrest. According to media report(Times of India, 20 April,2023), the statue of Dr. Ambedkar was vandalized in Jewar village , Noida. The police could not catch the miscreants till date. The list is very long of such incidents across India. Now the question is who are the people behind it and what is their mentality? What do they gain out of it? What is their politics? Whom they want to please by vandalizing the statue of Dr. Ambedkar? What is the role of the government and the police administration to stop such incidents? All these questions puzzle SCs/ STs across the country. In most of the cases of vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue, the media reports and investigations by the police found that the miscreants belongs to the Hindu groups (Bajrang Dal, VHP, and RSS). RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said, “Everyone living in India is Hindu” (Indian Express 15.11.2022). Savarkar`s landmark text, Hindutva: Who is a Hindu ?(1923) describes “ the Buddha – the Dharma – the Sangha .They are all ours.( Douglas Ober(2023 ) Dust on the Throne: the search for Buddhism in modern India, Stanford University Press, Standford , California, p.160) It is unfortunate, RSS has never raised voice against vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue. There is no statement issued by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat to stop vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue. Dr. Rahul Kumar Balley – Ph.D Similarly, no Hindu group ever raise voice against vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue. No Bollywood celebrity ever raise such issue whereas they feel proud visiting Hindu temples and Mosque to attract the fans. Indian actors and actresses hardly visit Buddha Vihara barring one or two( Dalia Lama temple). It manifests that hatred against Dr. Ambedkar is embedded in the minds and hearts of Hindus. The leader of Hindu groups does not treat the icons of Dalits respectfully as they treat their own Hindu Gods and Goddesses. This mentality of hatred against Dr. Ambedkar must come to an end. The duality of character would not be tolerated by SCs/ STs. The Government of India or ruling political parties in states and districts must see to it that no statue of Dr. Ambedkar is vandalized. This can be done if the local administration keeps a close watch on miscreant who try to disturb peace and harmony by committing such crimes. The vandalization of Dr. Ambedkar statue smear the image of the country at the international level. It also maligns the image of Hindu groups at the world level. The responsibility also falls on the shoulders of Dalit political leaders who remain silent in the Parliament of India on such issues. On the other hand, all SCs/STs organization in India and abroad must write a letter to Prime Minister and Home Minister and register their complaints and should demand that no person or group should be allowed to vandalize Dr. Ambedkar statue- the father of Indian Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar is a world-renowned personality. The foreign universities feel proud in erecting the statue of Dr. Ambedkar in the premises of the university. Dr. Ambedkar shines like a star in the world because his social, economic philosophy has been accepted by learned professors. Dr. Ambedkar economic thoughts and ideas solve economic woes of the world. Dr. Ambedkar talks about Equality, Liberty and Fraternity which is appealing to the people of the world especially the socially and economically backward communities across the world. Had the constitution of India was implemented honestly by the respective ruling class and ruling parties in India, India would have become Vishaw Guru long time back. Now is the time for Hindu groups to change their hatred mentality against Dr. Ambedkar and stop vandalization of statues and bow their heads respectfully to the father of the Indian Constitution. Rahul Kumar, PhD in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi ( India), is an independent researcher . His area of interest encompasses social & political issues, diplomacy, foreign policy and international relations. The views expressed in this article are personal. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with
Baldev Raj Bhardwaj
“Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and die.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Need to strengthen Ambedkar`s movement in Punjab Baldev Raj Bhardwaj Dr. Ambedkar launched Social Movements Dr. Ambedkar started social movements first in order to uplift the Dalits in India then later political. In 1927 Dr Ambedkar launched Mahad Satyagraha to allow the Untouchables to use water in a public tank. In the same year he launched temple entry movement. Such social movements established the credentials of Dr Ambedkar in the Dalit society. Dr. Ambedkar wanted Dalits to gain social and economic advancement. After that he wanted that Dalits should capture political power and rule the country. This was what Dr. Ambedkar`s dreams were. Dr. Ambedkar`s visit to Punjab In 1951 Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar visited Jalandhar, Punjab and delivered speech to lahs of people at Bootan Mandi , the same land was purchased by respected L.R. Balley with the cooperation of his fellow companions and raised Ambedkar Bhawan on it . After that, the Ambedkar movement got impetus by fearless, staunch Ambedkarite and Buddhist respected L.R.Balley, former editor of Bheem Patrika and publisher who spread the message of Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Punjab by writing and publishing books in Punjabi on and by Dr. Ambedkar. Balley sahib took up this challenge despite several social, economic and political hardships and hurdles. At that time the people of Punjab were not very much aware of the name of Dr. Ambedkar but Balley`s books kindle the minds of the people of Punjab with the social, economic and political ideology of Dr. Ambedkar. With his hard work throughout his life time, now in Punjab there are many Buddha Vihara and Ambedkar Bhawan from where the message of Dr. Ambedkar is being spread by Ambedakrites and Buddhists. The birth of thousands of Ambedkar organizations and registered societies further carry forward the message of Dr. Ambedkar from village to village signifies the importance of Ambedkarism and Buddhism . The erection of Dr. Ambedkar statues in most of the districts prominent chowks symbolizes Ambedkar’s thoughts and philosophy. Gone were the days when a Buddhists monk refuses to come to Punjab due to personal inhibitions, now many highly qualified Buddhist monks are coming to Punjab and helping in establishing Buddha Viharas. This shows that the movement of Buddhism is spreading very fast in Punjab. Need to do more The Ambedkarite and Buddhist organizations and societies are doing wonderful job to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar. At present this noble work can be accelerated further if the leadership of political parties focus little more sincerely and honestly to assist Ambedkarites and Buddhists organizations without their political and vested interests. Over the years, Punjab witnesses the mushrooming of Dalit political parties so the leadership. The majority of Dalit leadership particularly in Punjab try to follow what Dr Ambedkar said, “Political power is the master key by which you can open all the doors of progress”. Baldev Raj Bhardwaj But they do not take notice of social advancement of the Dalits in Punjab. Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar said, “the political revoultions have always been preceded by social and religious revolutions (Dr. Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches ,Vol.1; p.44) The majority of the Dalit leaders in Punjab irrespective of their affiliation to a political party hardly devote time to strengthen the movement of Dr. Ambedkar in Punjab. Their own political interests hamper the progress of the Dalit movement. Not only this but also, some of the Dalit leaders try to create a wall between different Dalit groups. The end result is neither they can achieve political power nor they can spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar. If they really want to see Buddhism in Punjab to flourish, they should first work for the social upliftment of the Dalits. The followers of Dr Ambedkar should first uplift Dalits in Punjab socially. Once the Dalits become Buddhists as embraced by Dr. Ambedkar, they would enhance their social capital. This is what Dalit leadership in Punjab should invest their time and energy to elevate social capital of Dalits. By enhancing social capital, the Dalits of Punjab would understand interpersonal relations, shared understanding, shared norms, shared values, trust, cooperation and reciprocity. Once we achieve social capital, we can comfortably achieve our political goals. Therefore, the Dalit leadership in Punjab, first and foremost, connect to the Dalits at societal level and avoid treating them simply a vote bank. With sudden departure of Balley sahib from this world, the majority of the Dalits in Punjab feel themselves orphans. We need to prepare thousands of Balley sahib who can take forward the caravan of Dr. Ambedkar. The mushrooming of Buddha Vihara in several districts of Punjab indicate that the Dalits of Punjab now understand very well that without Buddhism, they cannot uproot the cancer of the caste system. Punjab can become a Buddhist state if the Dalit political leadership truthfully participate in advancement of Dr. Ambedkar movement in Punjab. They can play a significant role in restoring the glory of Buddhism in Punjab. *B.R. Bhardwaj is a retired senior officer from Bank of India. He is a staunch Ambedkarite, Buddhist and trustee of Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan, Jalandhar. He is a social activist. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit
Harbans Lal Virdee
“Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and die.” – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Balley Saheb in the United Kingdom Harbans Lal Virdee Sadly, our respected leader Lahori Ram Balley expired on 06.07.2023 at his residence, Abadpura, Jalandhar. His departure from the world has left all Ambedkarites and Buddhists orphans. I could not attend funeral as I was in London during those days. I used to hear Balley Saheb name from our parents before I settled in the United Kingdom as a permanent citizen. Since my childhood, I found that Balley Saheb dedicated his whole life for spreading the message of Dr. Ambedkar whom he met several times when he was in Delhi. Balley Saheb also met Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar with KC Sulekh. Balley Saheb was born in Nawanshahr now district in Punjab on 20 July,1930. He left three daughters- Shakuntla Nagar , Sunita Bhardwaj and Sujata Sallan and two sons Dr Rahul Kumar Balley and Anand Kumar Balley. His wife Mrs Ajit Kaur Balley died on 16 March,2014. She was a pious lady who stood by Balley Saheb like a shadow. Whenever I used to come to India, I visited Balley Saheb to discuss several important issues, she was the one who took care of all guests – food and lodging. Balley Saheb was busy in publishing Bheem Patrika and books. Balley Saheb knew Urdu, English, Punjabi, Hindi and Persian. I always found that Balley Saheb office in city and later in Ambedkar Bhawan was always full with people; workers, leaders and followers. Balley Saheb was shining like a star. I witnessed people from far off villages used to come to Balley Saheb to seek advice and suggestions. Balley Saheb was a fearless, staunch, dedicated and honest Ambedkarite who asked for financial assistance to publish books by Dr Ambedkar or on Dr Ambedkar. Balley Saheb is the first Ambedkarite in Punjab who started publishing pamphlets and books on Dr. Ambedkar. The pamphlets price is just Rs.2/- at that time. One day I asked Balley Saheb how you manage publication at such low price, his reply was that, Baba Saheb mission is my whole life. He further said, “my mission is to spread the name of Dr. Ambedkar among the SCs/STs who are doing labour jobs and cannot afford high price, this lower price for them so that they can read baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar literature.” This is how Balley Saheb carried forward Baba Saheb mission from village to village in Punjab and other states of India. I meet thousands of people when I come to in India, I found leaders keep pamphlets written by Balley Saheb in their hands to deliver lecture. His pamphlets and books are full of knowledge and references. Balley Saheb published books like Annihilation of Caste , Rangila Gandhi, Hinduism Dharam Ja Kalank. The opponents from various Hindu groups filed court cases against Balley Saheb and harassed him. Balley Saheb was a great, fearless leader and author, he won all the court cases. Balley Saheb published books in several languages to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar. At the age of 14, I moved to United Kingdom and settled permanently. At that time, I was young. I heard Balley Saheb name and came to know Balley Saheb was visiting the United Kingdom and delivering lecture at various places. In 1967 Balley Saheb came first time to the United Kingdom on the invitation of Republican Group of Britain. The sponsorship for obtaining UK visa was sent by Khushi Ram Pardesi. Balley Saheb stayed most of the time at his house. Parabdyal from Bootan Mandi( District Jalandhar) was also living in neighborhoood who later shifted to Hounslow. Ravi Dutt Shinmar was the President of Guru Ravi Dass Welfare Association, Wolverhampton. He was also a trustee of Dr. Ambedkar Bhawan Jalandhar. In Birmingham and Wolverhampton, Bishan Das Bains and his brothers made sincere efforts to spread the message of Dr. Ambedkar in the United Kingdom. In 1967, Balley Saheb stayed three months in the United Kingdom, every day , in the evening we all used to have a meeting with Ambedkarites and Buddhists either at someone house or in the club. The result of these meetings that Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Committee, Wolverhampton came into existence, the purpose of which was to support organizations and societies in India and establish Buddha Vihara in several parts of the United Kingdom like Bradford, Southall, Birmingham. Balley Saheb kindled fire of Ambedkarism among Dalits residing in the United Kingdom by his fiery speeches. Some of the Maharashtrian and Punjabis who were living nearby came to meet Balley Saheb. In his speeches Balley Saheb quoted Dr. Ambedkar books which impacted our minds. Balley Saheb hat was popular among the majority of Ambedkarites and Buddhists in the United Kingdom. Harbans Lal Virdee In Scotland, Sohan Lal sampla worked with Balley Saheb. Balley Saheb was received by Sohan Lal Sampla and other Ambedkarites and he was given a warm welcome at the station. In a big hall, public function was arranged. Balley Saheb spoke half an hour partly in Punjabi and partly in English. Some English men and women were present in the function. Balley Saheb spoke very well. After the function, every one rushed to Balley Saheb to shake hands and took his autographs. Balley Saheb was a crowd puller. He was effective and impressive orator. His speeches changed the minds of the people around him. Whosoever comes into his contact become a Ambedkarite and Buddhist such was the aura of Balley Saheb. Balley Saheb was invited by several Ambedkarites and Buddhist organizations to the United Kingdom in 1976, 1985, 1986 and 1988. I used to drive a van in which all important members including Balley Saheb sat. I feel proud that Balley Saheb is my GURU and shall remain till last breath of my life. In 1988 Balley Saheb came to United Kingdom to participate in Buddha`s Light International Association (BLIA), UK Chapter along with late Shanti Swaroop Shant. Balley Saheb stayed at my home several times. We used to have delicious food with him. We used to discuss several important issues till late night.
Sujata Sallan
Sujata Sallan with her father L.R.Balley When I heard from my brother Rahul that papa Ji left us I was not suprised because before his death I stayed two months with him . I knew father sahib getting very weak . My parents always told me don’t cry when we leave . My father always told me that you are captain of the ship , we know you will be strong after us . Some time he says you are my third son . He was a caring father. We could feel his love and care but he didn’t show off . He was real person, never said fake stories . He was very punctual ,his time was his real money . I went to Canada in 1982 to marry . My mother asked me to call her everyday . When I called he said your mother was waiting for your call . After I finished my talk my father sahib said you people do loose talk . I said my phone is medicine for her then he laughed loudly . He never wasted his time Every morning He woke up at 5 then he started writing in his office . My mother took care of him very well . He ate healthy food. People ask me sometimes what’s the reason for his good long life . He eat on time and never went for parties . His personality shows that he was a special man from inside and out sides . He had so many suprises in his life . He had very tuff time from his relatives and people but he never cared . He achieved his goal . He died the way he wanted , a very few people could be lucky like him . He fullfiled his promise. I remember I was in college when father sahib fought election . He lost election and all of us were very sad and depressed. We took a promise from him that after this he would not fight election. After that he left active politics. He was a brave man . Once we had a big farm land near our house, there was very big old tree . Our neighbors said there was a ghost on the tree , night time ghost Dance and there lights come up too . Father sahib went alone by himself at midnight ,then he saw a broken electric wire the one sparked at night then he decided that the tree should be cut down . Tree was cut down but people didn’t want to take wood of the same tree for being superstitious . Father sahib brought that wood to home which was later used for cooking food. He never believed in ghost, or jadu toona . He had a sense of humor . He solved all his problems by him self . He never depended on anybody till last day of his life. Being a daughter of such a great father ,I feel myself lucky and blessed. He had immense respect for women. He used to tell women to participate actively in Dr. Ambekdar mission. He like Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar believed in women empowerment. I take pledge that till last breath of my life I shall keep alive the name and thought of my beloved father. I shall carry forward his mission so that Baba Saheb Dr. name shines like a STAR. * Sujata Sallan, lives in Canada with her family. She is a practicing Buddhist. She extends financial help to many Ambedkarite and Buddhists organisations in India and Canada. Want to be the part of Ambedkarite movement & learn more… Connect with Us Name* Contact No.* Email* Message Submit